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GIS Tools

Mapbox Isochrone

The Mapbox Isochrone API allows you to request polygon features that show areas which are reachable within a specified amount of time from a location. The API calculates isochrones up to 60 minutes using driving, cycling, or walking profiles.


LocationlocationLocation around which to center the isochrone lines.Point
ContourcontourThe time, in minutes, or distance to use for the isochrone contour. Specify which type to use in the component menu.The maximum time that can be specified is 60 minutes. The maximum distance that can be specified is Rhino unit equivalent of 100,000 meters (100km).Number
DenoisedenoiseA positive floating point from 0.0 to 1.0 that can be used to remove smaller contours. The default is 0.25. A value of 1.0 will only return the largest contour for a given value. A value of 0.5 drops any contours that are less than half the area of the largest contour in the set of contours for that same value.Number
GeneralizegeneralizeA positive floating point value, in meters, used as the tolerance for Douglas-Peucker generalization. There is no upper bound. If no value is specified in the request, the Isochrone API will choose the most optimized generalization to use for the request. Note that the generalization of contours can lead to self-intersections, as well as intersections of adjacent contours.Number
Mapbox Access TokenmbTokenMapbox Access Token string for access to Mapbox resources. Or set an Environment Variable 'HERONMAPOXTOKEN' with your token as the string.Text
RungetGo ahead and get isochrones from the serviceBoolean


IsochroneIsochroneThe Mapbox-generated Isochrone from a given pointGeometry
URLUrlURL queriedText
Mapbox AttributionmbAttMapbox word mark and text attribution required by MapboxText

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