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GIS Import | Export
GIS Tools

Multi Move to Topo

Move breps, surfaces, meshes, polylines and points to a topography mesh. Breps and closed meshes will be moved to the lowest point on the topography mesh within their footprint. Vertexes of curves and open meshes and control points of surfaces will be moved to the topography mesh.Geometry on a branch will be moved together as a group, but can be moved independently by deselecting 'Group' from the component menu.For a slower, but more detailed projection where curves and open meshes take on the vertexes of the topography mesh, select 'Detailed' from the component menu.


Topography MeshtopoMeshMesh representing the topography to which to move objects.Mesh
Feature GeometryfeatureGeomeryGeometry to move to topography. Geometry can be points, polylines, meshes, surfaces or breps. Open meshes will be flattened to topography.Geometry


Moved GeometrymovedGeomeryResulting moved feature geometry.Geometry

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