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GIS Import | Export
GIS Tools


Manipulate raster data with the GDAL Translate program given a source dataset, a destination dataset and a list of options. Formatting for the list of options should be a single string of text with a space separating each term where '-' should preceed the option parameter and the next item in the list should be that parameter's value. For instance, to convert raster data to PNG format the options string would be '-of PNG'. To clip a large raster data set to a boundary of upper left x (ulx), upper left y (uly), lower right x (lrx) and lower right y (lry), the options string would be '-projwin ulx uly lrx lry' where ulx, uly, lrx and lry are substituted with coordinate values. More information about translate options can be found at https://gdal.org/programs/gdal_translate.html.


Source datasetsourceFile location for the source raster dataset.Text
Destination datasetdestFile location for the destination dataset.Text
OptionsoptionsString of options with a space separating each term. For instance, to convert raster data to PNG format the options string would be '-of PNG'.Text


Source InfosourceInfoList of information about the source dataset.Text
Destination InfodestInfoList of information about the destination dataset.Text
Destination FiledestFileFile location of destination datasource.Text

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