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GIS Import | Export
GIS Tools


Manipulate raster data with the GDAL Warp program given a source dataset, a destination dataset and a list of options. Formatting for the list of options should be a single string of text with a space separating each term where '-' should preceed the option parameter and the next item in the list should be that parameter's value. For instance, to warp a raster dataset to WGS84, the options string would be '-t_srs EPSG:4326' More information about warp options can be found at https://gdal.org/programs/gdalwarp.html.


Source datasetsourceFile location for the source raster dataset.Text
Destination datasetdestFile location for the destination dataset.Text
OptionsoptionsString of options with a space separating each term. For instance, to warp an dataset to WGS84, the options string would be '-t_srs EPSG:4326'.Text


Source InfosourceInfoList of information about the source dataset.Text
Destination InfodestInfoList of information about the destination dataset.Text
Destination FiledestFileFile location of destination datasource.Text

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