Name | ID | Description | Type |
Boundary | boundary | Boundary curve for vector data | Curve |
OSM Data Location | filePath | File path for the OSM vector data input | Text |
Filter Fields | filterFields | List of filter terms for OSM fields such as highway, route, building, etc. | Text |
Filter Field,Value | filterFieldValue | List of filter terms for OSM fields and values. Format Field,Value like 'addr:street,Main.' | Text |
Name | ID | Description | Type |
Extents | extents | Bounding box generated from 'bounds' in OSM file if present. | Curve |
Fields | fields | Fields of data associated with the vector data features | Text |
Values | values | Field values for each feature | Text |
Feature Geometry | featureGeomery | Geometry contained in the feature | Geometry |
Buildings | buildings | Building geometry given ways or relations with a 'building' or 'building:part' tag. | Geometry |
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