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Check collisions

Checks for possible collisions. Will test if any object from group A collide with any objects from group B.


First setAFirst set of objects. Input a list of index values that correspond to the first collision group. The order is the same as the meshes output of the kinematics component. The environment would be an additional last mesh.Integer
Second setBSecond set of objects. Input a list of index values that correspond to the second collision group. The order is the same as the meshes output of the kinematics component. The environment would be an additional last mesh.Integer
EnvironmentESingle mesh object representing the environmentMesh
Environment planePIf attached to the robot, plane index where the environment is attached toInteger
Linear step sizeLsLinear step size in mm to check for collisionsNumber
Angular step sizeAsAngular step size in rad to check for collisionsNumber


Collision foundCTrue if a collision was foundBoolean
Target indexIIndex of the first target where a collision was found (targets are not necessarily calculated in order)Integer
Collided meshesMMeshes involved in the collisionMesh

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