Refine Divide each quad into 4 quads, and each triangle into 4 triangles | |
Bipartite Attempt to assign a boolean to each vertex of a mesh such that no connected vertices share the same value | |
By Parent (ByParent) Refine a Mesh, separating outputs by parent face | |
Checkerboard Attempt to assign a boolean to each face of a mesh such that no adjacent faces share the same value | |
Diagonalize (Diag) Replace each edge with a new face | |
Face Face Offset (FaceFace) Offset a conical mesh so that corresponding faces are constant distance apart | |
Fold Angle (FoldAngle) Measure the current angle between two triangles about their common edge | |
Hinge Points (HingePoints) Get the 4 points for each internal edge to use in a Hinge Force | |
Combine&Clean (Clean) Combine and Clean a list of meshes, removing unused and duplicate vertices | |
Mesh Corners (MC) Extract corners sharper than some angle | |
Mesh Direction (MD) Sort the face directions of a mesh | |
Mesh Map (MeshMap) Map points from one mesh to another | |
Mesh Turn (Turn) Rotate the vertex order of each face | |
Naked Vertices (NV) Sorts the vertices of a mesh into 2 lists according to whether or not they are surrounded by faces | |
Planarity Analysis (PA) Display face planarity as a coloured mesh | |
Refine Strips (Strips) Directional subdivision, refines quads in one direction only | |
Stripper Divide a mesh into strips | |
Tangent Circles (TC) Generate face incircles, circle packing centred on vertices, or incircular dual | |
Unroller Unroll a strip of quads | |
Vertex Neighbours (VN) Returns the positions of the vertices connected the given vertex by an edge | |
Warp Weft (WarpWeft) Separate the edges of a mesh into 2 lists according to Warp and Weft direction | |
Remesh By Colour (RemeshByColour) Remeshing with edge lengths dependent on the vertex colours of the input mesh | |
remesher Remeshing tool | |
Simple Remesh (SimpleRemesh) Isotropically remesh a Brep or Mesh | |
Simple Simple Target Length |
Conicalize (Conical) Adjust a quad mesh to make vertices conical - so the mesh has a face-face offset (See the paper 'The focal geometry of circular and conical meshes' for details). Use together with Planarize | |
Cyclic Quad (CyclicQuad) Make a quadrilateral have a circumscribed circle | |
Developablize Turn a triangular mesh into developable patches with creases. Based on the paper 'Developability of Triangle Meshes' by Stein, Grinspun & Crane | |
Edge Lengths (EdgeLengths) Set the edge lengths of a mesh | |
Isothermic (Iso) Make a quad mesh S-Isothermic, as described in the paper 'Quasiisothermic Mesh Layout' by Sechelmann, Rörig & Bobenko | |
Live Soap (LS) For generating minimal and CMC (zero and constant mean curvature respectively) meshes which adapt their connectivity during relaxation to maintain triangle quality | |
No Fold Through (NoFoldThrough) To stop the sides of a hinge passing through each other | |
Planarize Planarize | |
Hinge Hinge | |
Plastic Hinge (PH) Like Hinge, except folding beyond the plastic/elastic threshold will alter the rest angle | |
Polygon Area (PolygonArea) PolygonArea | |
Pressure A force normal to each triangle, and proportional to its area | |
Smooth Smooth | |
Soap Film (SG) Area minimizing triangle, for generating zero mean curvature meshes | |
Tangential Smooth (TSmooth) Smooth a mesh only in the local tangent planes. Used in conjunction with SoapFilm | |
Tangent Incircles (TangentIncircles) TangentIncircles | |
Vertex Loads (VertexLoads) Apply equal vertical loads to all vertices of a mesh | |
Volume Set the total volume of a mesh | |
Wind Wind |
Anchor Anchor | |
Anchor XYZ (AnchorXYZ) Fix a point only along chosen world axes. If you need to reset the initial position, disconnect then reconnect the Point input. | |
Bomb (B) Causes an explosion after a given number of iterations | |
Coincident (C) Equivalent to a zero length constraint between a pair of points | |
Floor Floor | |
Floor Friction (Floor) Floor with static friction | |
Magnet Snap (MS) Snap points together according to proximity | |
Plastic Anchor (PlasticAnchor) PlasticAnchor | |
Transform Keep a given transformation between 2 points | |
Load Load |
Clamp Length (ClampLength) Keep length within given bounds | |
Constant Tension (CT) An element which adapts its stiffness to maintain a constant force | |
Direction Align a line segment with a given vector, or if none supplied, the closest of the World XYZ vectors | |
Dynamic Weight1d (DW) A load in the negative Z direction, which updates its magnitude according to the length of the line | |
Equal Length (EqualLength) EqualLength | |
Length Ratio (LengthRatio) Maintain a fixed ratio between the lengths of a pair of lines | |
Length Snap (LengthSnap) Snap length to whole number multiples of a given number | |
Plastic Length (PL) This tries to preserve the length of the line elastically, until it is deformed beyond the limit, then its rest length gets changed | |
Length(Line) Length(Line) |
Align Faces (AlignFaces) Align faces of a pair of rigid bodies | |
Beam Beam resisting bending and torsion | |
Concentric Align axes of a pair of rigid bodies | |
Rigid Body (RigidBody) RigidBody | |
Rigid Point Set (RigidPointSet) A set of points which maintain their relative positions | |
Rigid Body Collide (RigidBodyCollide) Collision between a pair of rigid bodies | |
Solid Plane Collide (SolidPlaneCollide) Collision between a plane and a solid | |
Support Set support conditions for a beam end or rigid body |
Collide2d (C2d) Collisions between closed polygons in a given plane | |
Collider Collisions between thickened line segments and spheres | |
Curve Point Collide (CPC) Keep a set of points outside or inside a given 2d curve | |
Curve Collide (CC) Collisions between closed curves in a given plane | |
Image Circles (ImgCircles) Circle packing with sizes from image colours | |
Soft Body Collide (SoftBodyCollide) Collisions between a collection of deformable meshes | |
Solid Point Collide (SPC) Keep a set of points outside or inside a given Mesh | |
Sphere Collide (SC) Collisions between large numbers of equal sized spheres |
Solver The main component where Goals are combined and applied | |
Soft & Hard Solver (Soft&HardSolver) Solver with separate inputs for soft goals, and hard constraint type goals | |
Bouncy Solver (BouncySolver) Solver with momentum | |
Step Solver (StepSolver) Solver which advances only when input refreshed. Useful for making animations | |
Zombie Solver (ZombieSolver) A version of the solver component which keeps all iterations internal, and outputs the final result | |
Show Show | |
Grab This lets you drag particles in Rhino. Hold Alt key and drag with LMB, or toggle anchors with LMB+RMB |
remove Duplicate Pts (dupPt) Removes similar points from a list | |
interconnect Points (inter) Draws one line between every pair of points in a list | |
Dot Display (Dot) Show points as round dots | |
remove Duplicate Lines (dupLn) Removes similar lines from a list. | |
Möbius Transformation (MB) 3d Möbius Transformations of any geometry using 4d rotation | |
Split At Corners (SplitAtCorners) Break a polyline into multiple parts based on angle |
Angle Angle | |
Angle Snap (AS) Snap the angle between 2 lines to the closest whole number multiple of a given value | |
Clamp Angle (ClampAngle) Keep an angle between 2 lines within a given range | |
Equal Angle (EA) Equalize angles between multiple pairs of lines | |
G2 Maintain curvature continuity between 2 nurbs curves | |
Rod Bending and stretching resistant rod |
Co Circular (CoCircular) CoCircular | |
Co Linear (CoLinear) CoLinear | |
Co Planar (CoPlanar) CoPlanar | |
Co Spherical (CoSpherical) CoSpherical |
On Curve (OnCurve) Keep a point on a given Curve | |
On Mesh (OnMesh) Keep a point on a given Mesh | |
On Plane (OnPlane) Keep a point on a given plane |
Multi Pipe (MP) Create a branching pipe around a network of lines/curves | |
Sub D Fuse (Fuse) Combine 2 SubD objects |
Morph To Mesh (M2M) Morph geometry from reference polygons to offset cells of a tri,quad or ngon mesh |
Tri Remesh (TriRemesh) Convert a Brep or Mesh into a mesh of near equilateral triangles |
Length(Pts) Length(Pts) |
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