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Calculates heating and cooling degree-hours.
Degree-hours are defined as the difference between the base temperature and the average ambient outside air temperature multiplied by the number of hours that this difference condition exists.


Hourly Dry Bulb Temperature_hourlyDryBulbTemperatureAnnual dry bulb temperature from the Import epw component (in degrees Celsius).Goo
Cooling Base Temperature_coolingBaseTemperature_Base temperature for cooling (in degrees Celsius). Default is set to 23.3C but this can be much lower if the analysis is for a building with high heat gain or insulation.Goo
Heating Base Temperature_heatingBaseTemperature_Base temperature for heating (in degrees Celsius). Default is set to 18.3C but this can be much lower if the analysis is for a building with high heat gain or insulation.Goo


OutreadMe!A ummary of the input.String
Hourly cooling Deg Hourshourly_coolingDegHoursCooling degree-hours for each hour of the year. For visualizations over the whole year, connect this to the grasshopper chart/graph component. Goo
Hourly heating Deg Hourshourly_heatingDegHoursHeating degree-days for each hour of the year. For visualizations over the whole year, connect this to the grasshopper chart/graph component. Goo
Daily cooling Deg Hoursdaily_coolingDegHoursCooling degree-days summed for each day of the year. For visualizations of over the whole year, connect this to the grasshopper chart/graph component. Goo
Daily heating Deg Hoursdaily_heatingDegHoursHeating degree-days summed for each day of the year. For visualizations of over the whole year, connect this to the grasshopper chart/graph component. Goo
Monthly cooling Deg Hoursmonthly_coolingDegHoursCooling degree-days summed for each month of the year.Goo
Monthly heating Deg Hoursmonthly_heatingDegHoursHeating degree-days summed for each month of the year.Goo
Annual cooling Deg Hoursannual_coolingDegHoursThe total cooling degree-days for the entire year.Goo
Annual heating Deg Hoursannual_heatingDegHoursThe total heating degree-days for the entire year.Goo

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