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Steady State Surface Temperature

Use this component to calculate a steady state interior/exterior surface temperature from given given indoor/outdoor air temperatures and surface U-Values. Note that this component does not currently account for solar radiation, which can greatly alter surface temperatures in the real world.
The formulas used to account for air film resistance in this component come from ASHRAE Fundementals 2013, Chapter 26, Table 10 (26.20).


Out Temp_outTempA number (or list of numbers) that represent the outdoor air temperature in degrees Celcius.Goo
In Temp_inTempA number (or list of numbers) that represent the indoor air temperature in degrees Celcius.Goo
U Value_uValueA number that represents the U-Value of the surface dividing the interior and exterior in SI (W/K·m2).Goo
Int EmissintEmiss_A number between 0 and 1 that represents the interior emissivity of the surface dividing the interior and exterior. The default is set to 0.9 for a non-metallic surface.Goo
Srf OrientsrfOrient_A number between 180 (downwards) and 0 (upwards) that represents the angle in degrees of the direction of heat flow. This is related to the orientation of the surface dividing the interior and exterior. This input can also be the normal vector of a surface that is facing the correct direction of heat flow. The default is set to 90 degrees for a verically-oriented surface (horizontal heat flow).Goo
Out Wind SpdoutWindSpd_A number (or list of numbers) that represents the outdoor wind speed in m/s. This is used to calculate the outdoor film coefficient. If no value is input here, a default of 6.7 m/s will be assumed (indicating a winter design day).Goo


In Film CoeffinFilmCoeffThe interior film coefficient as calculated by the interior emissivity, surface orientation and Chapter 26, Table 10 of AHSHRAE Fundemantals.Goo
Ext Film CoeffextFilmCoeffScript variable ssSrfTempGoo
In Srf TempinSrfTempThe steady state interior surface temperature in degrees Celcius.Goo
Ext Srf TempextSrfTempThe steady state exterior surface temperature in degrees Celcius.Goo

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