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Shadow Study

Use this component to generate outline curves representing shadows cast by input _geometry for a given _sunVector.
Note that, to see shadows cast onto a ground, a surface representing the ground plane must be included in the input _geometry.
Connect output of Ladybug_Analysis period component to analysisPeriod_ on Ladybug_SunPath component. This will let you use a range of sunvectors. Using these range of sunvectors, you can turn this shadow study into a shadow range study.
Also, please note that, for a list of input _geometry that is larger than 4 or 5 breps, the calculation time of this component can be very long. Please keep the input geometry to small lists or be prepared to wait a long time.
WARNING: This component is a proof of concept that will not work in every situation. It is not ideal for analyzing curved surfaces and it is not able to calculate shadows for geometries that are intersecting each other.


Geometry_geometryBreps representig test geometries that will cast shadows on each other.Goo
Sun Vector_sunVectorA sun vector from the Ladybug sunPath component.Goo


ShadowshadowMeshes representing the shadows cast by the individual input Breps on other input Breps. Note that, if all input _geometry is planar, this output can be hooked up to a Grasshopper "Brep" component to give Breps representing shadows cast.Goo
ShadeshadeMeshes representing the the parts of individual input Breps that are not in the sun. In other words, this is the self-shaded part of the Breps. Note that, if all input _geometry is planar, this output can be hooked up to a Grasshopper "Brep" component to give Breps representing self-shaded areas.Goo

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