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Window Downdraft

Use this component to compute the floor-level downdraft air temperature and velocity at a given set of points that are located close to a cold surface such as a window. The draft conditions produced by this model are assumed to be 10 cm off of the floor.
The model used in this component comes from physical measurements of window downdraft that were further validated using several CFD experiments. Ther are published in these papers:
Heiselberg, P. (1994). “Draft Risk from Cold Vertical Surfaces.” Building and Environment, 29: 297-301.
Manz, H. and Frank, T. (2003). "Analysis of Thermal Comfort near Cold Vertical Surfaces by Means of Computational Fluid Dynamics." Indoor Built Environment. 13: 233-242.


Test Pts_testPtsThe test points at which downdraft conditions will be evaluated.Goo
Window Srfs_windowSrfsBreps or Surfaces representing the window surfaces off of which downdraft flows.Goo
Win Srf Temp_winSrfTempA number representing the surface temperature of the windows in degrees Celcius.Goo
Air Temp_airTempA number representing the air temperature of the room in degrees Celcius.Goo
Default VelocdefaultVeloc_A number in m/s that represents the speed of the air that is not in the downdraft. The default is set to 0.05 m/s.Goo
Run It_runItSet to 'True' to run the component and claculate downdraft conditions.Goo


Draft Air TempdraftAirTempScript output PPD.Goo
Draft Air VelocdraftAirVelocScript variable downDraftGoo
--------------------Script variable downDraftGoo
Air Flow PlanesairFlowPlanesScript variable downDraftGoo

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