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Import Ground Temp

Use this component to visualise ground temperatures throughout the year at specific depths. Please note that epw files usually only provide ground temperature data at depths 0.5 meters, 2 meters and 4 meters thus data has been interpolated for all other depths. In particular this interpolation assumes that ground temperatures do not vary over the seasons once the depth has reach 9 meters below the ground surface.


Epw File_epwFileAn .epw file path on your system as a stringGoo
Visualisedata Seasonvisualisedata_SeasonSet to true to visualise the ground temperature data as an average for every seasonGoo
Visualisedata Monthvisualisedata_MonthSet to true to visualise the ground temperature data for every monthGoo


Groundtemp1stgroundtemp1stIn every epw file there are monthly ground temperatures at 3 different depths this is the 1stGoo
Groundtemp2ndgroundtemp2ndIn every epw file there are monthly ground temperatures at 3 different depths this is the 2ndGoo
Groundtemp3rdgroundtemp3rdIn every epw file there are monthly ground temperatures at 3 different depths this is the 3rdGoo
Profile CrvsprofileCrvsThis output draws the curves of the temperature curves connect it to G of the Grasshopper component Custom PreviewGoo
Crv ColorscrvColorsThis output draws the colours of the temperature curves connect it to S of the Grasshopper component Custom PreviewGoo
Graph AxesgraphAxesThis output draws the axes of the graph it doesn't need to be connected to anythingGoo
GraphtextgraphtextThis output draws the text of the graph it doesn't need to be connected to anythingGoo
LegendLegendScript variable ImportgroundtempGoo

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