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Cone Of Vision

Use this component to generate and visualize cones of vision.
This component can help you to customize view analysis. Plug its outputs into Ladybug_View Analysis.
Car at 25 mph, Car at 45 mph, Car at 65 mph (horizontal angle, distance limits)
Source: U. S. Bureau of Land Management. Visual Resource Management Program (Course 8400-05) 2008.
Human, Color Recognition, Sign Recognition, Word Recognition (horizontal angle)
Human, Color Recognition, Optimal Video Display Area (vertical angle)
Source: INO - CNR Istituto Nazionale di Ottica www.ino.it Titolo: Il processo della Visione e Stereoscopia Relatore: Luca Mercatelli 16 aprile 2010 Polo viale.


Typetype_This input sets the cone of vision, the cone is defined by four values that are vertical angle+, vertical angle-, horizontal angle+, horizontal angle-, distance limits. - Connect a number from 0 to 9. The default is set to 0. - 0 = Human (50°, 70°, 62°, 62°, 10 meters) 1 = Peripheral vision (60°, 70°, 60°, 60°, 10 meters) 2 = Outdoor (90°, 15°, 180°, 180°, 100 meters) 3 = Car at 25 mph (50°, 15°, 50°, 50°, 182.88 meters) 4 = Car at 45 mph (50°, 15°, 33°, 32.5°, 365.76 meters) 5 = Car at 65 mph (50°, 15°, 22°, 20°, 609.60 meters) 6 = Color Recognition (30°, 40°, 30°, 30°, 10 meters) 7 = Sign Recognition (30°, 40°, 15°, 15°, 10 meters) 8 = Word Recognition (30°, 40°, 5°, 5°, 10 meters) 9 = Optimal Video Display Area (0°, 30°, 30°, 30°, 10 meters) - If no value is provided, it will be 2 ("Outdoor").Goo
View Point_viewPoint_The point of vision in which to generate the cone of vision. If not supplied, default value will be the Rhino origin.Goo
View Direction_viewDirection_A vector that represents the view direction. If not supplied, default value will be the vector of Y-Axis.Goo
Distance LimitdistanceLimit_Set the limit of the view. - This input let you customize the cone of vision.Goo
V Angle UpvAngleUp_The vertical angle of the upper visual field. A number from 0.0 to 90.0. - This input let you customize the cone of vision.Goo
V Angle DownvAngleDown_The vertical angle of the lower visual field. A number from 0.0 to 90.0. - This input let you customize the cone of vision.Goo
H AnglehAngle_The horizontal angle from the standard line of sight. A number from 0.0 to 180.0. - This input let you customize the cone of vision.Goo


Cone Of VisionconeOfVisionBrep that represent the cone of vision.Goo
ParametersparametersConnect this list to Ladybug_View Analysis for customizing the view analysis. - the parameters are vertical angle+ (°), vertical angle- (°), horizontal angle (°), distance limit (meters), view direction in the horizontal plane (°). NB. 0° is the direction of green axis of Rhino.Goo

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