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7 | WIP

Cold Water Temperature

Use this component to calculate the cold (inlet, mains) water temperature, if water pipes are burried undeground.


Methodmethod_A method by which the cold water temperature will be calculated: - 0 - Carslaw and Jaeger (used by DOE-2) 1 - Christensen and Burch (used by EnergyPlus) 2 - used by RETScreen - If not supplied, method "1" (Christensen and Burch) will be used by default.Goo
Dry Bulb Temperature_dryBulbTemperatureHourly Dry Bulb Temperature (air temperature). Import it from Ladybug "Import EPW" component. - In °C.Goo
Minimal TemperatureminimalTemperature_The minimum cold temperature value. For example this input can be used to prevent the water in your pipes from freezing, by limiting it to 1°C (33.8F). - If not supplied, default value 1 (°C) will be used. - In °C.Goo
__________________Script variable ColdWaterTempratureGoo
Soil Thermal DiffusivitysoilThermalDiffusivity_The ability of a soil to conduct thermal energy relative to its ability to store thermal energy. - This input is only important for method "0" !!! Soil type for method "1" is unknown, and can not be changed. The "1" formula is derived from various field and soil data accross USA. Soil type for method "2" is fixed to: wet clay soil, and can not be changed. - Soil thermal diffusivity for particular types of soil (m2/s * 10^(-7)): 2.4 - dry sand 7.4 - wet sand 2.5 - dry clay 5.1 - wet clay 1.0 - dry peat 1.2 - wet peat 12.9 - dense rock - If not supplied, default value 2.5 (dry clay) will be used. - In m2/s * 10^(-7).Goo
Pipes DepthpipesDepth_The soil depth at which cold water pipes are burried at. - This input is only important for method "0" !!! Pipes depth range for method "1" is fixed from 0.3 to 1 meters (1 to 3.5 feet), and can not be changed. Pipes depth for method "2" is fixed to 2 meters, and can not be changed. - If not supplied, default value of 1(m) will be used. - In meters.Goo


Cold Water Temperature Per HourcoldWaterTemperaturePerHourCold water temperature for picked pipesDepth_ and soilThermalDiffusivity_, for each hour during a year. - In °C.Goo
Avr January Cold Water TemperatureavrJanuaryColdWaterTemperatureAverage January cold water temperature for picked pipesDepth_ and soilThermalDiffusivity_. Use it for "SWHsystem" component's "avrJanuaryColdWaterTemperature_" input. - In °C.Goo
Avr Cold Water Temperature Per YearavrColdWaterTemperaturePerYearAverage annual cold water temperature for picked pipesDepth_ and soilThermalDiffusivity_. - In °C.Goo

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