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Sun Shades Calculator

Use this component to generate shading devices, either surface or pergola, for any glazed surfmyPlaneace or list of glazed surfaces.
The component first culls all sun vectors obstructed by the context, if provided.
By default it calculates the device as a "new brand" one but it also can calculate the cut profile for a given surface.
The default it will generate an overhang over the window (or multiple overhangs if the _numOfShds is increased).
Shaviv E., 1975. "A Method for the Design of Fixed External Sun-Shades". "Build International" (8), Applied Science Publishers LTD, England, (pp.121-150).
Shaviv E., 1984. "A Design Tool for Determining the Form of Fixed & Movable Sun-Shades". "ASHRAE Trans." Vol. 90, AT-84-18 No. 4, Atlanta (pp.1-14).


Surface Or Pergola_SurfaceOrPergola_0= Device optimised for period, will give the horizontal or tilted surface over the top of the window, or the cut profile device on a provided shading surface. 1= Pergola with fins. Default is 0.Goo
Window_windowA Surface or Brep representing a window to be used for shading design. This can also be a list of Surfaces of Breps.Goo
Num Of Shds_numOfShds_The number of shades to generated for each glazed surface.Goo
Udiv_udiv_Number of row divisions of the window. Used for choosing the lower and higher rows you want to protect. Default is 1.Goo
Sun Vectors_sunVectorsOutput of Ladybug sunPath component.Goo
Contextcontext_Breps/surfaces that you want to account for as blocking objects. Goo
Shade SurfaceshadeSurface_An optional shade surface representing a 2D area under consideration for shading. Goo
Shd Srf Angle_shdSrfAngle_In case NO shadeSurface is provided a plane over the window will be used as base for the calculation. In this case you can provide the angle of this plane. Default is 0.0.Goo
Shd Srf Shift_shdSrfShift_In case NO shadeSurface is provided a plane over the window will be used as base for the calculation. In this case you can provide a shift distance from top of the window. Default is 0.01Goo
.. Goo
.. Goo
Delaunay Height_delaunayHeight_Distance from base curve and top intersection points. Used by the Delauney Mesh component. Default is 5.Goo
Offset Factor_offsetFactor_VERY important input!! The offset factor for the ConvexHull curve. Will be used for the Delauneay mesh. Default is 40.Goo
Cull Res_cullRes_Resolution for culling points. 0=Don't cull, 1= Regular cull, 2= Cull a lot. Check the final surface for quality of results, 3= Extreme cull. Be carefull with the results. Default is 1.Goo


Points On WindowpointsOnWindowNet of points on windowGoo
U PointsuPointsNet of points on windowGoo
Pts ContextptsContextShow the intersection point of sun vectors with contextGoo
Cull PtscullPtsShow the points that define the contour of the shading device. Pay attention to those more/less dense areas covered by these points.Goo
Final SrffinalSrfSurface representing the shape of the shading device.Goo

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