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Import Sandia Photovoltaics Module

Use this component to import Photovoltaics module settings for particular module from "Sandia National Laboratories Modules" library.
Download library's newest version from the bottom of the following page:


Modules Library File_modulesLibraryFileAdd "Sandia National Laboratories Modules" .csv file path to this input. - Download its newest version on the bottom of this web page sam.nrel.gov/librariesGoo
Module IndexmoduleIndex_An index corresponding to chosen module from "allModuleNames" output. - If nothing added to this input, "0" will be used as a default (the first module from the "allModuleNames" output will be chosen).Goo
New Module Mount TypenewModuleMountType_New mounting type (configuration) of the module. Each module from "_modulesLibraryFile" input comes with predefined mounting type (configuration). You can see it in "moduleMountType" output. If you would like to change that predefined mounting type, then use this input, and the following values: - 0 = Insulated back (pv curtain wall, pv skylights, BIPV installations with obstructed backside airflow) 1 = Close (flush) roof mount (pv array mounted parallel and relatively close to the plane of the roof (between 5 and 15 centimenters)) 2 = Open rack (ground mount array, flat/sloped roof array that is tilted, pole-mount solar panels, solar carports, solar canopies, BIPV installations with sufficient backside airflow) - This input is actually the same as "mountType" input of the Ladybug "Simplified Photovoltaics Module" component. - If nothing is added to this input, default mount type of the chosen module will be used (you can check which one by looking at the "moduleMountType" output).Goo
Module Active Area PercentmoduleActiveAreaPercent_Percentage of the module's area excluding module framing and gaps between cells. - If not supplied, default value of 90(perc.) will be used. - In percent.Goo


All Module NamesallModuleNamesNames of all crystalline silicon modules from the "_modulesLibraryFile" file.Goo
______________Script variable ImportSandiaPhotovoltaicsModuleGoo
Module NamemoduleNameName of the chosen module, according to "moduleIndex_" input.Goo
Module MaterialmoduleMaterialMaterial of the chosen module.Goo
Module Mount TypemoduleMountTypeFinal mount type (configuration) of the chosen module. This output can have two values: - a) default one: coming directly from "_modulesLibraryFile". This value will only appear if "newModuleMountType_" input is empty. b) custom one: altered mounting type, according to "newModuleMountType_" input. - One of the following mount types will be shown: - 0 = Insulated back (pv curtain wall, pv skylights, BIPV installations with obstructed backside airflow) 1 = Close (flush) roof mount (pv array mounted parallel and relatively close to the plane of the roof (between 5 and 15 centimenters)) 2 = Open rack (ground mount array, flat/sloped roof array that is tilted, pole-mount solar panels, solar carports, solar canopies, BIPV installations with sufficient backside airflow)Goo
Module AreamoduleAreaArea of the chosen module. - In square meters.Goo
Module PowermodulePowerModule's power at maximum-power point of the chose module. - In Watts.Goo
Module EfficiencymoduleEfficiencyModule's aperture (active area) efficiency. - In percent (%).Goo
Source NotessourceNotesSource notes corresponding to the chosen module. It basically contains source from which the "PVmoduleSettings" output data has been generated, and date when it has been generated.Goo
______________Script output ______________.Goo
PVmodule SettingsPVmoduleSettingsA list of PV module settings. Plug it to "Photovoltaics surface" component's "PVmoduleSettings_" input.Goo

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