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Colored Sky Visualizer

Use this component to visualize a Perez sky as a colored mesh in the Rhino scene using the weather file location, a time and date, and an estimate of turbidity (or amount of particulates in the atmosphere.


Northnorth_Input a vector to be used as a true North direction for the sky dome or a number between 0 and 360 that represents the degrees off from the y-axis to make North. The default North direction is set to the Y-axis (0 degrees).Goo
Location_locationThe output from the importEPW or constructLocation component. This is essentially a list of text summarizing a location on the earth.Goo
Hour_hour_A number between 1 and 24 (or a list of numbers) that represent hour(s) of the day to position sun on the sky dome. The default is 12, which signifies 12:00 PM.Goo
Day_day_A number between 1 and 31 (or a list of numbers) that represent days(s) of the month to position sun on the sky dome. The default is 21, which signifies the 21st of the month (when solstices and equinoxes occur).Goo
Month_month_A number between 1 and 12 (or a list of numbers) that represent months(s) of the year to position sun on the sky dome. The default is 12, which signifies December.Goo
Turbidityturbidity_A number between 2 and 15 that represents the level of particulate matter in the atmosphere of the sky. A rural location might have a low turbidity of 2 while a place like Beijing might have a turbidity as high as 10 or 12. The default is set to 3 for a relatively clear sky without much pollution.Goo
------------------------------Script variable PythonGoo
Resolutionresolution_An optional input for the resolution of the generated mesh. A higher resolution will produce a less-splotchy image but will take longer to calculate. The default is set to 10 for a realtively quick calculation.Goo
Scalescale_An optional input to scale the dome mesh. The default is set to 1.Goo
Center PtcenterPt_An optional point to move the center of the sky dome mesh. The default is set to the Rhino origin.Goo
Projection_projection_A number to set the projection of the sky hemisphere. The default is set to draw a 3D hemisphere. Choose from the following options: 0 = 3D hemisphere 1 = Orthographic (straight projection to the XY Plane) 2 = Stereographic (equi-angular projection to the XY Plane) 3 = Cylindrical (unrolled rectangular map of the sky - like a Mercator projection)Goo
Bake ItbakeIt_An integer that tells the component if/how to bake the bojects in the Rhino scene. The default is set to 0. Choose from the following options: 0 (or False) - No geometry will be baked into the Rhino scene (this is the default). 1 (or True) - The geometry will be baked into the Rhino scene as a colored hatch and Rhino text objects, which facilitates easy export to PDF or vector-editing programs. 2 - The geometry will be baked into the Rhino scene as colored meshes, which is useful for recording the results of paramteric runs as light Rhino geometry.Goo


Colored MeshcoloredMeshA colored mesh of the sky.Goo
Mesh LabelsmeshLabelsTime and date lables for the sky mesh.Goo
Sky Color RGBskyColorRGBThe RGB colors that correspond to the vertices of the mesh above.Goo
Sky Color XYZskyColorXYZThe XYZ colors that correspond to the vertices of the mesh above.Goo

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