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Loads Assign

Concrete Column Design Section Atts

Assign Concrete Design Section Parameters to a Frame Section Property


Rebar Material LongitudinalMRebar material property for the longitudinal rebarGeneric Data
Rebar Material ConfinementMRebar material property for the confinement rebarGeneric Data
Confine TypeTConfine Type:(0=Ties 1=Spiral)This item applies for Circular Columns. For Rectangular the confinement bar type is assumed to be ties.Integer
CoverCThe clear cover for the confinement steel (ties). In the special case of circular reinforcement in a rectangular column, this is the minimum clear cover. [L]Number
No C BarsBThis item applies for Circular Columns. It is the total number of longitudinal reinforcing bars in the column.Integer
No R3 BarsR3This item applies to a rectangular rebar configuration, Pattern = 1. It is the number of longitudinal bars (including the corner bar) on each face of the column that is parallel to the local 3-axis of the column.Integer
No R2 BarsR2This item applies to a rectangular rebar configuration. It is the number of longitudinal bars (including the corner bar) on each face of the column that is parallel to the local 2-axis of the column.Integer
Rebar SizeRThe rebar name for the longitudinal rebar in the column.Text
Tie SizeTThe rebar name for the confinement rebar in the column.Text
Tie Spacing LongitSLThe longitudinal spacing of the confinement bars (ties). [L]Number
No 2Axis Tie BarsT2This item applies to a rectangular reinforcing configuration. It is the number of confinement bars (tie legs) running in the local 2-axis direction of the column.Integer
No 2Axis Tie BarsT3This item applies to a rectangular reinforcing configuration. It is the number of confinement bars (tie legs) running in the local 3-axis direction of the column.Integer
DesignedDIf this item is True, the column longitudinal rebar is to be designed; otherwise it is to be checked. Checked by DefaultBoolean


Design AttsADesign Attributes for Concrete Column DesignGeneric Data

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