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Loads Assign

Material Params Steel

Generate Steel Material Parameters for input into the user defined Material Component.


FyFyThe minimum yield stress MPaNumber
FuFuThe minimum tensile stress. MPaNumber
EFyEFyThe expected yield stress. MPaNumber
EFuEFuThe expected tensile stress. MPaNumber
Set by WeightWSet the Material by Weight Density, rather than Mass DensityBoolean
WeightWThe Weight of the material kN/m3Number
SS Curve TypeSCThe stress-strain curve type: (0=User_Defined 1=Parametric_Simple 2=Parametric_Park)Integer
HysS Curve TypeSCThe stress-strain hysteresis type: (0=Elastic 1=Kinematic 2=Takeda 3=Pivot 4=Concrete 5=BRB_Hardening 6=Degrading 7=Isotropic)Integer
Strain at HardeningHThis item applies only when parametric stress-strain curves are used and when UseCaltransSSDefaults is False. It is the strain at the onset of strain hardeningNumber
Strain at Max StressSThis item applies only when parametric stress-strain curves are used and when UseCaltransSSDefaults is False. It is the ultimate strain capacity. This item must be larger than the StrainAtHardening itemNumber
Strain at RuptureRThis item applies only when parametric stress-strain curves are used and when UseCaltransSSDefaults is False. It is the ultimate strain capacity. This item must be larger than the StrainAtHardening itemNumber
Final SlopeSThis item applies only to parametric stress-strain curves. It is a multiplier on the material modulus of elasticity, E. This value multiplied times E gives the final slope of the curve.Number


Material ParamsMStructural Material Params. Wire into a User defined Material Component to Set Material TypeGeneric Data

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