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Loads Assign

Decompose Result Set Conc Beam Design Summary

Decompose Concrete Beam Design Utilisation Summary set results


Result SetRSet Results of 1d ElementsGeneric Data


Element IDsIElement IDsInteger
LocationLThe distance from the I-end of the frame object to the location where the results are reportedNumber
Top ComboTCThis is an array that includes the name of the design combination for which the controlling top longitudinal rebar area for flexure occurs. A combination name followed by (Sp) indicates that the design loads were obtained by applying special, code-specific multipliers to all or part of the specified design load combination, or that the design was based on the capacity of other objects (or other design locations for the same object).Text
Top AreaTAThis is an array that includes the total top longitudinal rebar area required for the flexure at the specified location. It does not include the area of steel required for torsion. [L2]Number
Bot ComboBCThis is an array that includes the name of the design combination for which the controlling bottom longitudinal rebar area for flexure occurs. A combination name followed by (Sp) indicates that the design loads were obtained by applying special, code-specific, multipliers to all or part of the specified design load combination, or that the design was based on the capacity of other objects (or other design locations for the same object). Text
Bot AreaTAThis is an array that includes the total bottom longitudinal rebar area required for the flexure at the specified location. It does not include the area of steel required for torsion. [L2]Number
VMajor ComboVCThis is an array that includes the name of the design combination for which the controlling shear occurs. A combination name followed by (Sp) indicates that the design loads were obtained by applying special, code-specific, multipliers to all or part of the specified design load combination, or that the design was based on the capacity of other objects (or other design locations for the same object).Text
VMajor AreaVAThis is an array that includes the required area of transverse shear reinforcing per unit length along the frame object for shear at the specified location. [L2/L]Number
TL ComboTLCThis is an array that includes the name of the design combination for which the controlling longitudinal rebar area for torsion occurs. A combination name followed by (Sp) indicates that the design loads were obtained by applying special, code-specific, multipliers to all or part of the specified design load combination, or that the design was based on the capacity of other objects (or other design locations for the same object). Text
TL AreaTLAThis is an array that includes the total longitudinal rebar area required for torsion. [L2]Number
TT ComboTTCThis is an array that includes the name of the design combination for which the controlling transverse reinforcing for torsion occurs. A combination name followed by (Sp) indicates that the design loads were obtained by applying special, code-specific, multipliers to all or part of the specified design load combination, or that the design was based on the capacity of other objects (or other design locations for the same object).Text
TT AreaTTAThis is an array that includes the required area of transverse torsional shear reinforcing per unit length along the frame object for torsion at the specified location. [L2/L] Number
Top Area ReqTRTop Reinforcement Area RequiredNumber
Top Area MinTMTop Reinforcement Minimum Area RequiredNumber
Top Area ProvidedTRTop Reinforcement Area ProvidedNumber
Bot Area ReqBRBottom Reinforcement Area RequiredNumber
Bot Area MinBMBottom Reinforcement Minimum Area RequiredNumber
Bot Area ProvidedBPBottom Reinforcement Area ProvidedNumber
VMajor Area ReqVRVMajor Reinforcement Area RequiredNumber
VMajor Area MinVMVMajor Reinforcement Minimum Area RequiredNumber
VMajor Area ProvidedVPVMajor Reinforcement Area ProvidedNumber
Error SummaryËincludes the design error messages for the frame objectText
Error WarningWincludes the design warning messages for the frame objectText

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