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Create a model from a GWA string, inject data into a model using GWA command, or retrieve model data or results through a GWA command.


GSA ModelGSA[Optional] Existing GSA model to inject GWA command(s) into. Leave this input empty to create a new GSA model from GWA string.Any
GWA stringGWAGWA string from GSA. Right-click on any data, and select copy all. Paste into notepad to check the data. \r\nThis input takes a a list of text strings that will automatically be joined. Construct a tree structure if you want to create multiple GSA files. \r\nThe syntax of the command is based on GWA syntax and the units follow the GWA unit syntax; –\r\nRefer to the “GSA Keywords” document for details.\r\nNote that locale is set to use '.' as decimal separator.\r\nRight-click -> Help for further infor on GWA Commands.Text


Returned resultRThe 'variant' return value from executing a GWA command issued to GSA. \r\nThe syntax of the command is based on GWA syntax and the units follow the GWA unit syntax; –\r\nRefer to the “GSA Keywords” document for details.\r\nNote that locale is set to use '.' as decimal separator.\r\nRight-click -> Help for further infor on GWA Commands.Generic

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