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0 | Gismo
1 | OpenStreetMap
2 | Terrain
3 | More


ADDON. Version 1.0. Released on 2019-Nov-23. Provides 34 components. Created by Djordje Spasic. Features 0 video tutorials.
Gismo enables automatic generation of urban environment and terrain geometry based on location's latitude-longitude coordinates and radius. This includes connection with openstreetmap website and generation of buildings, trees, roads, rivers and other map elements. 3d building elements can also be used as a context for further analysis types: isovist (visibility), solar radiation, thermal/wind comfort, cfd analysis.

1 | OpenStreetMap

OSM 3D Forest (OSM3Dforest)
Use this component to create 3d trees geometry on inputed surfaces
OSM 3D Road (OSM3Droad)
Use this component to create 3d roads geometry
OSM 3D Roof (OSM3Droof)
Use this component to create 3d roofs geometry
Use this component to create 3d geometry of structures/building and tree shapes created with Gismo "OSM shapes" component
OSM Clean Values (OSMcleanValues)
A lot of times the items coming from the "values" output of OSM components may have empty data ()
OSM Ids (OSMids)
Use this component to define lists of Open Street Map ids
OSM Keys (OSMKeys)
Use this component to generate a list of keys for the "requiredKeys_" input of "OSM shapes" component
OSM Objects (OSMobjects)
Use this dropdown list to chose an OSM object.

Provided by Gismo 0.0.3, JAN_29_2019
OSM Render Mesh (OSMrenderMesh)
Use this component to create a render mesh from the 3d shapes generated by the "OSM 3D" component
OSM Search (OSMsearch)
Use this component to search through OSM 2D and 3D shapes
OSM Shapes (OSMshapes)
Use this component to generate Open Street Map shapes for the chosen _location and radius_
OSM Tag (OSMtag)
Use this component to generate "requiredTag" output

0 | Gismo

Address To Location (AddressToLocation)
Use this component to find coordinates of a specific location using an address.
It uses Nominatim API
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
Create Location (CreateLocation)
Use this component to construct a location based on latitude, longitude coordinates.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
Deconstruct Location (DeconstructLocation)
Use this component to exlode an epw location to its parts: locationName, latitude, longitude, timeZone, elevation.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
Use this component to convert a coordinate in degrees, minutes and seconds (DMS) format to decimal degrees (DD) format
This component contains all Gismo classes
Location To XY (LocationToXY)
Use this component to calculate the point in Rhino scene based on latitude and longitude coordinates (_location input)
Url To Location (UrlToLocation)
Use this component to find coordinates of a specific location using an url from openstreetmap, google maps, bing maps, wego.here and waze.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
XY To Location (XYtoLocation)
Use this component to calculate latitude and longitude coordinates of the _point in Rhino scene
Z To Elevation (ZtoElevation)
Use this component to calculate the elevation height of particular point

3 | More

Color Palette (ColorPalette)
Use this component define color palette (gradient colors) for the Gismo's "Legend Bake Parameters" component
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
Create Legend (CreateLegend)
Use this component to create a legend for particular geometry and recolor the geometry based on that legend.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
Legend Bake Parameters (LegendBakeParameters)
Use this component to define the parameters important for legend and baking.
Any component which has a "legendBakePar_" input can be used to define these.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
New Component Example (NewComponentExample)
[Gismo welcomes new developers
Rhino Boolean Union (RhinoBooleanUnion)
Grasshopper's "Solid Union" component may sometimes fail to perform boolean union of the 3d buildings coming from Gismo "OSM shapes" component
Rhino Text To Number (RhinoTextToNumber)
Use this component to convert Rhino text (representing number) to Grasshopper number.
This can be useful in creating terrain or coordinate points from text.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3
Rhino Unit To Meters (RhinoUnitToMeters)
Use this component to convert values from Rhino units to meters
Support Gismo (SupportGismo)
If you like Gismo, use this component to see in which ways you can contribute and support it.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3

2 | Terrain

Flow Paths (FlowPaths)
Use this component to perform the analysis of gravitational water flow
Horizon Angles (HorizonAngles)
Use this component to create a horizon file (
Terrain Analysis (TerrainAnalysis)
Use this component to perform the following terrain analysis types:
- Slope
- Grade
- Aspect
- Elevation
- Visibility
- Hillshade
- TRI (Terrain Ruggedness Index by Riley)
- TRI categories (Terrain Ruggedness Index categories by Riley)
- SRF (Surface Roughness Factor by Hobson)
- TPI (Topographic Position Index)
- Mean curvature
Component mainly based on:
"DEM Surface Tools for ArcGIS", Jenness Enterprises, 2013
Terrain Generator (TerrainGenerator)
Use this component to create a geometry of the terrain surrounding the chosen location
Terrain Shading Mask (TerrainShadingMask)
Use this component to create a 3D Terrain shading mask for a particular location

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Gismo and associated data © 2024 Djordje Spasic.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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