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Legend Bake Parameters

Use this component to define the parameters important for legend and baking.
Any component which has a "legendBakePar_" input can be used to define these.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3


Legend StylelegendStyle_The following legend cell styles are supported: - 0 - rectangular 1 - filleted 2 - elliptical 3 - rhombus - If nothing supplied to this input, legendStyle_ = 0 (rectangular legend cells) will be used as a default value.Goo
Legend PlanelegendPlane_Starting legend plane. - If nothing added to this input, the plane will set by default to XY plane, with origin being the right most point of the geometry for which the legend is created.Goo
Max ValuemaxValue_Legend's maximal value. - If nothing added to this input, the maximal value found during particular analysis (for which the legend is created) will be used.Goo
Min ValueminValue_Legend's minimal value. - If nothing added to this input, the minimal value found during particular analysis (for which the legend is created) will be used.Goo
Custom ColorscustomColors_A list of colors from which a legend will be created. Use Grasshopper's "Colour Swatch" parameter, or Ladybug's "Gradient Library" component to define them. - If nothing added to this input, default color gradient blue-green-red will be used as default.Goo
Num Legend CellsnumLegendCells_The number of legend cells. - If nothing added to this input, 12 legend cells will be used by default.Goo
Font NamefontName_Name of the legend font. Some component may enable using this input to change the font name of component's title as well. - If nothing added to this input, "Verdana" font name will be used by default.Goo
Font SizefontSize_Size of the legend font. Some component may enable using this input to change the font size of component's title as well. - If nothing added to this input, fontSize will be calculated based on the size of your component's geometry (3 times smaller than geometry's bounding box width).Goo
Num DecimalsnumDecimals_The number of legend result decimals. You can choose from 0 (no decimals - integers only) to 6 decimals. - If nothing added to this input, 2 decimals will be used as default.Goo
Legend UnitlegendUnit_A custom legend unit. - If nothing added to this input, component's default legend unit will be used.Goo
Custom TitlecustomTitle_A custom title for component. Use "\n" python characters if you would like your custom title to be separated into multiple lines. - If nothing added to this input, component's default title will be used.Goo
Scalescale_The scale of the whole legend. - If nothing added to this input, scale of 1.0 will be used as default.Goo
_______________Script variable PythonGoo
Layer NamelayerName_A custom name of the final layer to which the geometry will be baked. - If nothing added to this input, component's default layer name will be used.Goo
Layer ColorlayerColor_A custom color of the final layer to which the geometry will be baked. - If nothing added to this input, black color will always be used as default.Goo
Layer Category NamelayerCategoryName_A custom name of the layer category. - If nothing added to this input, component's default category name will be used.Goo


Legend Bake ParlegendBakeParA list of all Legend Bake Parameters. Plug it to any component which has the "legendBakePar_" input.Goo

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