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Z To Elevation

Use this component to calculate the elevation height of particular point.
For example: you have a terrain made by Gismo or Ladybug "Terrain Generator" component, and you would like to know what is the elevation height of particular point on the terrain.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3


Point_pointPlug in the point for which you would like to calculate elevation height.Goo
_______Script input _______.Goo
Origin_originPlug in the "origin" output from Gismo "Terrain Generator" or Ladybug "Terrain Generator" components.Goo
Elevation_elevationPlug in the "elevation" output from Gismo "Terrain Generator" or Ladybug "Terrain Generator" components. - In Rhino document units (meters, feets...).Goo


Point ElevationpointElevationElevation of the inputted _point. - In Rhino document units (meters, feets...).Goo

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