Required Tag | _requiredTag | Required tag represents a combination between a key and value(s) for which this component will perform the search.
Use "OSM tag" component to generate it. | Goo |
Shapes | _shapes | Plug in the data from the Gismo OSM shapes "shapes" output | Goo |
Keys | _keys | Plug in the data from the Gismo OSM shapes "keys" output. | Goo |
Values | _values | Plug in the data from the Gismo OSM shapes "values" output. | Goo |
Three Dee Shapes | threeDeeShapes_ | This input is needed only if you are searching 3D shapes.
For example: you created 3d buildings with "OSM 3D" component, and now you would like to check which one of all those buildings is a residential building.
If this is the case, then plug in the data from the Gismo "OSM 3D" "threeDeeShapes" output.
If nothing supplied, then search of 2d OSM shapes (that's "_shapes" input) will be performed only. | Goo |
Three Dee Values | threeDeeValues_ | This input is needed only if you are searching 3D shapes.
For example: you created 3d buildings with "OSM 3D" component, and now you would like to check which one of all those buildings is a residential building.
If this is the case, then plug in the data from the Gismo "OSM 3D" "threeDeeValues" output.
If nothing supplied, then search of 2d OSM shapes (that's "_shapes" input) will be performed only. | Goo |
| _____________ | Script variable OSMsearch | Goo |
Create Footprints | createFootprints_ | In case your shape is a polygon (shapeType_ = 0), this input will create a surface from it.
This input is irrelevant if you are performing search of 3D OSM shapes (if data is supplied to "threeDeeShapes_" and "threeDeeValues_" inputs).
If not supplied, default value "False" will be used. | Goo |
Ground Terrain | groundTerrain_ | The ground terrain surface on which the "foundShapes" will be laid onto.
Supply it by using "terrain" output of the Ladybug "Terrain Generator" (type_ = 1) or Gismo "Terrain Generator" (type_ = 2 or type_ = 3) components.
If nothing supplied, the "foundShapes" will always be laid flat onto a horizontal plane, with plane origin being the "origin" input of the "OSM shapes" component. | Goo |
| _____________ | Script variable Python | Goo |
Bake It | bakeIt_ | Set to "True" to bake the extruded _shape geometry into the Rhino scene.
The geometry will be grouped. To ungroup it, select it and call the "Ungroup" Rhino command.
If not supplied default value "False" will be used. | Goo |
Run It | _runIt | ... | Goo |