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Use this component to generate "requiredTag" output. This output is used as input for "OSM search" component. It represents a combination of a key and value(s) for which search at "OSM search" component will be performed.
Search for any OSM tag at: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3


OSMobject Name_OSMobjectNameA single or a list of OSM object names. Use "OSM Objects" dropdown list to generate it.Goo
_____________A key for which "requiredTag" output will be created. For example: "leisure". If we also supply "park" to the "requiredValues_" below, then "requiredTag" would be: "leisure=park" which will be a prerequisite for finding all parks in "OSM search" component.Goo
Required Key_requiredKeyRequired key for which "requiredTag" output will be created. - If you add data to upper "_OSMobjectName" input, you do not have to use this input. - This input (and "requiredValues_" below it) is used if one would like to create custom "requiredTag" output not based on "OSM Objects" drowdown list. For example, if we supply "leisure" to this input, and "park" to the one below ("requiredValues_"), then "requiredTag" output will be created as: "leisure,park" which will be a prerequisite for finding all parks in "OSM search" component.Goo
Required ValuesrequiredValues_Required values for which "requiredTag" output will be created. - If you add data to upper "_OSMobjectName" input, you do not have to use this input. - This input (and "_requiredKey" above it) is used if one would like to create custom "requiredTag" output not based on "OSM Objects" drowdown list. For example, if we supply "park" to this input, and "leisure" to "_requiredKey" above, then "requiredTag" output will be created as: "leisure,park" which will be a prerequisite for finding all parks in "OSM search" component. - This input can also be left blank. In that case "_requiredKey" input ("leisure") will only be taken into account when generating the "requiredTag" output.Goo


Required TagrequiredTagA tag represents a combination between a key and value(s). It is prerequisite for finding particular object in "OSM search" component: so use this output as "_requiredTag" input for "OSM search" component.Goo

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