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OSM Shapes

Use this component to generate Open Street Map shapes for the chosen _location and radius_.
OSM shapes represent linear or point map elements from openstreetmap.org service - the largest free map online service.
Linear OSM shapes include: buildings footprints, park footprints, roads axes, rivers, lake boundaries, and any other linear map element ...
Point OSM shapes include: trees, bus stations, restaurants, pubs, markets, address plates ...
Component requires that you are connected to the Internet, as it has to download osm data.
It also requires MapWinGIS application to be installed in order for it to work. Download the MapWinGIS from:
If you are using Rhino 5 x86, then download the "Win32" version.
If you are using Rhino 5 x64, then download the "x64" version.
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3


Location_locationOutput from Gismo's \"Create Location\" component. This is essentially a text containing information (latitude, longitude, name...) about a location on the Earth.Goo
Radiusradius_Horizontal distance to which the surrounding terrain will be taken into account. - It can not be shorter than 50 meters. It can not be larger than from 5000 to 27000 meters. This depends on _location's latitude. The higher it is, the closer it is to 5000. - The component itself might inform the user to alter the initial radius_ inputted by the user. This is due to restriction of downloadable OSM data being limited to 0.5 latitude x 0.5 longitude range. If radius_ value for the chosen _location is equal to the mentioned range, or larger than it, the component will inform the user to shrink the radius_ for a certain amount. - If not supplied, default value of 100 meters will be used. - In meters.Goo
Northnorth_Input a vector to be used as a true North direction, or a number between 0 and 360 that represents the clockwise degrees off from the Y-axis. - If not supplied, default North direction will be set to the Y-axis (0 degrees).Goo
Originorigin_Origin for the final "shapes" output. - If not supplied, default point of (0,0,0) will be used.Goo
Shape TypeshapeType_There are four shape geometry types: - 0 - polygons: anything consisted of closed polygons: buildings, grass areas, forests, lakes, etc 1 - polylines: non closed polylines as: streets, roads, highways, rivers, canals, train tracks ... 2 - points: any point features, like: Trees, building entrances, junctions between roads ... Store locations: restaurants, bars, pharmacies, post offices ... - If nothing supplied, 0 will be used as a default value (polygons).Goo
Required KeysrequiredKeys_A list of specific OpenStreetMap keys that you would like to use for each "shapeType_" input. - There are thousands of OpenStreetMap keys describing various map elements. You can find them listed in here: www.taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys - However due to their enormous number it is suggested that you use the "OSM keys" component, which will automatically generate specific keys for specific object type. Either that, or simply leave this input empty. It that way the component will take only those keys which are attached to all shapeType_ shapes. - If not supplied, only those keys that appear at that particular "location_" and "radius_" will be used.Goo
Only Remove IdsonlyRemove_Ids_Use this input to define lists of Open Street Map ids. "OSM ids" component will generate them. - These lists can be used to define: 1) only those ids which will be included (isolated) when "OSM shapes" component is ran (use "osm_id_Only" and "osm_way_id_Only" inputs for this). 2) ids which will be removed when "OSM shapes" component is ran (use "osm_id_Remove" and "osm_way_id_Remove" inputs for this). 3) you can combine 1) and 2) and both define the: included and removed ids. - If nothing supplied to this input, then no OSM ids will be isolated nor removed: meaning all of them will be included.Goo
_______________Script variable TerrainGenerator2Goo
Bake ItbakeIt_Set to "True" to bake the shapes geometry into the Rhino scene. - If not supplied default value "False" will be used.Goo
Run It_runIt...Goo


ShapesshapesGeometry of each shape. - Depening on the shapeType_ input this can be either a polygon (shapeType_ = 0), a polyline (shapeType_ = 1) or a point (shapeType_ = 2)Goo
KeyskeysEach upper shape contains certain information (keys) attached to it (example: address, type of the building, area etc.). This output lists the available keys for all the shapes, or in case some specific keys have been supplied to the "requiredKeys_" output, then they will be listed here.Goo
ValuesvaluesEach upper shape contains a value which corresponds to a certain key (example: "key=addr_stree; value=Second Avenue 14/2", "key=building; value=yes", "key:area; value=100" etc.) This ouput lists all values corresponding to each key, for each shape.Goo
___________Script variable OSMshapesGoo
Title Origin PttitleOriginPtTitle base point, which can be used to move the "title" geometry with grasshopper's "Move" component. - Connect this output to a Grasshopper's "Point" parameter in order to preview the point in the Rhino scene.Goo
TitletitleTitle geometry with information about location, radius, north angle and shapeType.Goo

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