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OSM 3D Road

Use this component to create 3d roads geometry.
If terrain is used then 3d roads are created for the purpose of visualization. They do not represent the actual terrains roadfilled roads!
If you notice some inconsistency in the final 3d road geometry, lower the value of Rhino's tolerance (Tools->Options->Units->Absolute tolerance). Then rerun the grasshopper definition (Solution->Recompute).
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3


Shapes_shapesPlug in the road polylines from the Gismo 'OSM shapes' component's "shapes" output ("shapeType_" input set to 1). You can also add data from "foundShapes" output of the "OSM Search" component."Goo
________________Script variable OSM3DGoo
Road WidthroadWidth_The width of all polylines added to the upper "_shapes" input. - If nothing supplied, the default value of 3 meters (approx. 10 feets) per level will be used. - In Rhino document units (meters, feets...).Goo
Road ThicknessroadThickness_Height for which road surface will be extruded from the ground. - Positive road thickness value will extrude the road upwards. Negative road thickness value will extrude road downwards. - If nothing supplied, the default value of 0.25 meters (approx. 0.8 feets) per level will be used. - In Rhino document units (meters, feets...).Goo
Ground TerraingroundTerrain_The ground terrain surface on which the "threeDeeRoads" will be laid onto. Supply it by using "terrain" output of the Ladybug "Terrain Generator" (type_ = 1) or Gismo "Terrain Generator" (type_ = 2 or type_ = 3) components. - ATTENTION!!! Depening on the number of road polylines added to the _shapes input, calculation time may be a bit longer when using terrain. - If nothing supplied, the "threeDeeRoads" will always be laid flat onto a horizontal plane corresponding to the plane of the "_shapes" polylines.Goo
________________Script variable PythonGoo
Bake ItbakeIt_Set to "True" to bake the "threeDeeRoads" geometry into the Rhino scene. The geometry will be grouped. To ungroup it, select it and call the "Ungroup" Rhino command. - If not supplied default value "False" will be used.Goo
Run It_runIt...Goo


Three Dee RoadsthreeDeeRoadsGenerated 3d shapes roads from the inputted "_shapes". - If you notice some inconsistency in 3d road geometry, lower the value Rhino's tolerance (Tools-;Options-;Units-;Absolute tolerance). Then rerun the grasshopper definition (Solution-;Recompute).Goo

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