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Terrain Generator

Use this component to create a geometry of the terrain surrounding the chosen location.
Terrain will be created with ALOS 1 arc-second (20 to 30 meters depending on the latitude) grid precision.
Component requires that you are connected to the Internet, as it has to download the topography data.
It also requires MapWinGIS application to be installed.
Download and install either 32 bit or 64 bit (depending on your Rhino 5 version) version of MapWinGIS from here:
Component mainly based on:
"Mathematical cartography", V. Jovanovic, VGI 1983.
"Vincenty solutions of geodesics on the ellipsoid" article by Chris Veness
Provided by Gismo 0.0.3


Location_locationThe output from the "importEPW" or "constructLocation" component. This is essentially a list of text summarizing a location on the Earth. - "timeZone" and "elevation" data from the location, are not important for the creation of a terrain.Goo
Radiusradius_Horizontal distance to which the surrounding terrain will be taken into account. - It can not be shorter than 20 meters or longer than 100 000 meters. - The component itself might inform the user to alter the initial radius_ inputted by the user. This is due to restriction of topography data, being limited to 56 latitude South to 60 latitude North range. If radius_ value for chosen location gets any closer to the mentioned range, the component will inform the user to shrink it for a certain amount, so that the radius_ stops at the range limit. - If not supplied, default value of 100 meters will be used. - In meters.Goo
Sourcesource_There are currently three terrain sources available: - 0 - SRTMGL1: only terrain from -55.9 to 59.9 latitude! Terrain ends at the sea level (no sea/river/lake floor terrain). Terrain resolution varies from 20 to 30 meters. 1 - AW3D30: only terrain! Terrain ends at the sea level (no sea/river/lake floor terrain). Terrain resolution varies from 20 to 30 meters. 2 - GMRT: terrain and underwater (sea/river/lake floor) terrain. Sea level is not presented. Terrain and underwater terrain resolution varies from 50 meter to 2000 meters. - If nothing supplied, 0 will be used as a default (SRTMGL1 terrain only).Goo
Typetype_There are four terrain types: - 0 - terrain will be created as a mesh with rectangular edges 1 - terrain will be created as a mesh with circular edges 2 - terrain will be created as a surface with rectangular edges 3 - terrain will be created as a surface with circular edges - If nothing supplied, 1 will be used as a default (terrain will be created as a mesh with circular edges).Goo
Originorigin_Origin for the final "terrain" output. - If not supplied, default point of (0,0,0) will be used.Goo
Northnorth_Input a vector to be used as a true North direction, or a number between 0 and 360 that represents the clockwise degrees off from the Y-axis. - If not supplied, default North direction will be set to the Y-axis (0 degrees).Goo
Stand ThicknessstandThickness_Thickness of the stand. A stand is a basically a base constructed below the terrain mesh/surface. It can be used to create a terrain for cfd analysis or visualization purposes. - If not supplied, default value of 0 (no stand will be created) will be used. - In Rhino document units.Goo
Num Of ContoursnumOfContours_Number of elevation contours. If you would not like the elevationContours output to be calculated, set the numOfContours_ input to 0. - If not supplied, default value of 10 elevation contours will be used.Goo
Legend Bake ParlegendBakePar_In case your type_ input is set to 0 or 1, you can use the legendBakePar_ input to control the colors with which the final "terrain" mesh will be colored with based on elevation. Use Gismo "Legend Bake Parameters" component's "customColors_" input to control these colors. Also use its fontName_ and fontSize_ inputs to change the font, size of the "title" output.Goo
_____________Script variable PythonGoo
Bake ItbakeIt_Set to "True" to bake the terrain geometry into the Rhino scene. - If not supplied default value "False" will be used.Goo
Run It_runIt!!! ATTENTION !!! This component may crash Rhino 5 application if radius_ input is set to a value of tens of thousands of meters! This may happen due to Rhino's inability to create such large terrains. To prevent this, it is suggested to own a 64 bit version of Rhino 5 and have strong enough PC configuration. If you do not have either of these two, it is recommended to save your .gh definition before running this component!Goo


TerrainterrainThe geometry of the terrain. - Depening on the type_ input it will be either a mesh (type_ = 0 and 1) or a surface (type_ = 2 and 3)Goo
OriginoriginThe origin (center) point of the "terrain" geometry. It's the same as "origin_" input point. - Use grasshopper's "Point" parameter to visualize it. - Use this point to move the "terrain" geometry around in the Rhino scene with grasshopper's "Move" component.Goo
ElevationelevationElevation of the origin_ input. - In Rhino document units.Goo
Elevation ContourselevationContoursElevation contours. Their number is defined by the numOfContours_ input. Set the numOfContours_ input to 0, if you would not like the elevationContours to be created.Goo
TitletitleTitle geometry with information about location, radius, north angle.Goo

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