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3 | Envimet
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Envimet Buildings

Use this component to generate buildings for "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces". Make sure buildings are clean geometries otherwise you can use boolean function to merge parts together.
Another possibility is to use tools like MorphoMesh or similar to work with meshes performing complex boolean union operations.


geometry_geometryGeometry that represent ENVI-Met building. Geometry has to be closed Brep or MeshMesh
wallMaterialwallMaterial_Use this input to change wall materials. Materials count have to be equals buildings count, otherwise it will be set the default material.String
roofMaterialroofMaterial_Use this input to change roof materials. Materials count have to be equals buildings count, otherwise it will be set the default material.String
greenWallMaterialgreenWallMaterial_Connect a list of greenings material to apply them to walls of selected buildings.String
greenRoofMaterialgreenRoofMaterial_Connect a list of greenings material to apply them to roofs of selected buildings.String
simplifiedCalculationsimplifiedCalculation_Connect a boolean to simplify calculation.Boolean


envimetBuidingenvimetBuidingConnect this output to "Dragonfly Envimet Spaces" in order to add buildings to ENVI-Met model.Goo

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