receptorPath | _receptorPath | Output folder of each simulated receptor. Connect 'DF Envimet Receptor Folder' output here. | String |
receptorHeightIndex | _receptorHeightIndex_ | Use this index to a get value at different height. Value depends on your model. | Integer |
atmosphereVariable | _atmosphereVariable_ | Connect a number:
0 = WindSpeed m/s
1 = WindDirection °
2 = AirTemperature °C
3 = DiffTemperature °C/h
4 = SpecificHumidity g/kg
5 = RelativeHumidity %
6 = VerticalExchangeCoefficient m²/s
7 = VerticalKmNormed -
8 = HorizontalExchangeCoefficient m²/s
9 = TurbulentKineticEnergy m²/s²
10 = DissipationTKE m³/s²
11 = MeanRadiantTemperature °C
12 = LeafAreaDensity m²/m³
13 = LeafFoliageTemperature °C
14 = SensibleHeatFluxFromLeaf W/m²2
15 = LatentHeatFluxFromLeaf W/m²2
16 = StomataResistance m/s
17 = CO2 mg/m³
18 = CO2Flux mg/(kg*s)
19 = ShortwaveDirectRadiation W/m²
20 = ShortwaveDiffuseRadiation W/m²
21 = PressurePerturbation Pa
22 = MassConcentration mg/m³
23 = MechanicalProductionTKE -
24 = AirTemperatureChangeLongwave K/h
25 = SkyViewFactorBuilding
-26 = SkyViewFactorBuildingLeaf - | Integer |
runIt | runIt_ | Set runIt to True to read output. | Boolean |