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Import LANDSAT Image

Use this component to import a LADNSAT image that has been downloaded from GloVis into Grassoppper. LANDSAT images contain a wide variety of data at a resolution of 30 meters x 30 meters per pixel. This data includes:
1) Earth Surface Temperature
2) "True Color" Images of the Earth (using RGB channels)
3) Surface Solar Reflectivity
4) Vegetation Index (NDVI)
5) Radiance at 6 Different Portions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03


landsatImgFolder_landsatImgFolderThe file path to the folder on your computer into which the LANDSAT image has been decompressed.Goo
dataTypedataType_An integer from 0 to 10 representing the type of data that you would like to import into Grasshopper from the LANDSAT image. Choose from the following options: 0 - Temperature (degrees Celcius) 1 - True Color (RGB) 2 - Albedo (Broad Spectrum Reflectivity) 3 - Vegetation Index (NDVI) 4 - Band 1 Radiance (Red) 5 - Band 2 Radiance (Green) 6 - Band 3 Radiance (Blue) 7 - Band 4 Radiance (Near Infrared) 8 - Band 5 Radiance (Far Infrared 1) 9 - Band 6 Radiance (Thermal Infrared) 10 - Band 7 Radiance (Far Infrared 2)Goo
latitudelatitude_A number representing the latitude at which you would like to center the LANDSAT image imported to the Rhino scene. It is helpful to take the latitudefrom the location of an EPW file imported with Ladybug or from a site that you have looked up in Google. If no value is input here, the latitude will be set to the center of the image.Goo
longitudelongitude_A number representing the longitude at which you would like to center the LANDSAT image imported to the Rhino scene. It is helpful to take the longitude from the location of an EPW file imported with Ladybug or from a site that you have looked up in Google. If no value is input here, the longitude will be set to the center of the image.Goo
imageWidthimageWidth_A number representing the width of the portion of the LANDSAT image that you would like to import in kilometers. If no value is input here, the default will be set to 2 kilometers.Goo
imageHeightimageHeight_A number representing the height of the portion of the LANDSAT image that you would like to import in kilometers. If no value is input here, the default will be set to 2 kilometers.Goo
sampleSizesampleSize_An integer representing the number of pixels to skip with each sampling. Set this to a high number like 32 to allow the component to run quickly and zoom out to the entire LANDSAT image scene. If no value is input here, every single pixel within the given latitude, longitude imageHeight and imageWidth will be sampled, assuming a sample size of 1.Goo
legendParlegendPar_Optional legend parameters from the 'Ladybug Legend Parameters' component.Goo
runIt_runItSet to 'True' to run the component and import the LANDSAT image.Goo


valuesvaluesValues for for each of the imported pixels. For thermal images, this is temperature in degrees Celcius. For Goo
geoTiffPtsgeoTiffPtsA list of points with one point for each pixel imported from the LANDSAT image. Connect this to the 'G' of a native grasshopper 'Custom Preview' component to preview the points colored with the imported values.Goo
ptColorsptColorsA list of colors one color for each pixel imported from the LANDSAT image. Connect this to the 'S' of a native grasshopper 'Custom Preview' component to preview the points colored with the imported values.Goo
legendlegendA legend for the imported LANDSAT image.Goo
legendBasePtlegendBasePtThe legend base point, which can be used to move the legend in relation to the imported LANDSAT image with the native rasshopper "Move" component.Goo
titletitleThe title text of the LANDSAT image. Hook this up to a native Grasshopper 'Geo' component to preview it separately from the other outputs.Goo
titleBasePttitleBasePtPoint for the placement of the title, which can be used to move the title in relation to the LANDSAT imag with the native Grasshopper "Move" component.Goo

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