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Reference EPW Parameters

Use this component to generate refernce EPW site parameters that can be plugged into the "DF Run Urban Weather Generator" component. If you are using standard files from the US Department of Energy, you should never need to use this component. This component is onyl for when your data was recorded using non-standard means, such as an experiment that you have run in an actual urban canyon.
Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03


obstacle_heightobstacle_height_A number that represents the height in meters of objects that obstruct the view to the sky at the weather station site, such as trees and buildings. The default is set to 0.1.Goo
veg_coverage_veg_coverage_A number between 0 and 1 that represents that fraction of the reference EPW site that is covered in grass. If nothing is input here, a defailt of 0.9 will be used.Goo
temp_height_temp_height_A number that represents the height in meters at which temperature is measured on the weather station. The default is set to 10 meters as this is the standard measurement height for US Department of Energy EPW files.Goo
wind_height_wind_height_A number that represents the height in meters at which wind speed is measured on the weather station. The default is set to 10 meters as this is the standard measurement height for US Department of Energy EPW files.Goo


epw_site_parepw_site_parRefernce EPW site parameters that can be plugged into the "DF Run Urban Weather Generator" component.Goo

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