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Typology From Params

Use this component to generate a default building typology to be used with the "DF City" component. The specific characteristcs of these typologies are based on the US Department of Energy (DoE) Building types.
Provided by Dragonfly 0.0.03


avg_height_avg_heightThe average height of the buildings of this typology in meters.Goo
footprint_area_footprint_areaThe footprint area of the buildings of this typology in square meteres.Goo
facade_area_facade_areaThe facade area of the buildings of this typology in square meters.Goo
program_programOne of the 16 building programs listed from the "DF Bldg Programs" component. The following options are available: FullServiceRestaurant Hospital LargeHotel LargeOffice MediumOffice MidRiseApartment OutPatient PrimarySchool QuickServiceRestaurant SecondarySchool SmallHotel SmallOffice StandAloneRetail StripMall SuperMarket WarehouseGoo
age_ageAn integer that sets the age of the buildings represented by this typology. This is used to determine what constructions make up the walls, roofs, and windows based on international building codes over the last several decades. Choose from the following options: Pre-1980's 1980's-Present New ConstructionGoo
flr_to_flr_flr_to_flr_A number that sets the average distance between floors for the building typology. This will be used to compute the total floor area of the building, which ultimately determines the influence that the typology has on the urban microclimate.Goo
fract_canyon_fract_canyon_A number between 0 and 1 that represents the fraction of the building's waste heat from air conditioning that gets rejected into the urban canyon (as opposed to through rooftop equipment or into a ground source loop). The default is set to 0.5.Goo


typologytypologyA Dragonfly building typology object that can be plugged into the "DF City" component.Goo

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