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01 | Core
02 | Virtual Robot
03 | Virtual Tool
04 | Toolpath Utilities
05 | Utilities

Tool Axis Offset

Adds an additional LIN movement at the beginning and/or at the end of a list of robot movement commands. The LIN movement will be offset along the tool axis, e.g. for approach movements.


KUKA|prc CommandCMDS1 KUKA|prc LIN/PTP/CIR/SPL movement commands is required to offset the toolpath along the toolaxis.CommandData
Offset Along ToolaxisOFFSETOffset Along ToolaxisNumber
Offset StartSTARTIf enabled offset first pointBoolean
Offset EndENDIf enabled offset last pointBoolean
Offset SpeedOFFSET VEL(Optional) Provide a list of three speed values in m/sec. The first one defines the speed with which the robot approaches the initial, offset position (Rapid), the second one how fast it moves downwards (Approach) and the third one how fast it lifts off (Retract). If only a single value is provided, it will apply to all fields. If no value is provided, the speed from the previous movement will be selected.Number


KUKA|prc CommandCMDSList of KUKA|prc Commands with offset start and/or end position.CommandData

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Site design © Robin Rodricks.   Site co-created by Andrew Heumann.   KUKA Prc and associated data © 2024 Johannes Braumann (Robots in Architecture).  
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