Ifc External Reference Relationship (ggIFCERR) IfcExternalReferenceRelationship | |
Measure With Unit (ggIFCMWU) Create IFC Measure With Unit | |
SI Unit (ggIFCSIU) Create IfcSIUnit | |
Derived Unit (ggIFCDU) Create IfcDerivedUnit | |
Derived Unit Element (ggIFCDUE) Create IfcDerivedUnitElement | |
Conversion Unit (ggIFCCBU) Create IfconversionBasedUnit | |
Replace Unit (ggIFCRU) Replace Context Unit | |
Compound Plane Angle (ggIFCCPA) Create IFC CompoundPlaneAngle | |
Boolean (ggIFCB) Create IFC Boolean | |
Integer (ggIFCI) Create IFC Integer | |
Real (ggIFCR) Create IFC Real Number | |
Time In Seconds (ggIFCTS) Create IFC TimeInSeconds | |
Identifier (ggIFCI) Create IfcIdentifier | |
Logical (ggIFCL) Create IFC Logical | |
Label (ggIFCL) Create IfcLabel | |
Text (ggIFCT) Create IfcText | |
URIReference (ggIFCURI) Create IfcURIReference | |
Area Measure (ggIFCAM) Create IFC Area Measure | |
Count Measure (ggIFCCM) Create IFC Count Measure | |
Length Measure (ggIFCLM) Create IfcLengthMeasure | |
Parameter Value (ggIFCPV) Create IfcParameterValue | |
Positive Length Measure (ggIFCPLM) Create IfcPositiveLengthMeasure | |
Non Negative Length Measure (ggIFCNNLM) Create IfcNonNegativeLengthMeasure | |
Pressure Measure (ggIFCPM) Create IFC Pressure Measure | |
Time Measure (ggIFCTM) Create IFC Time Measure | |
Volume Measure (ggIFCVM) Create IFC Volume Measure | |
Ratio Measure (ggIFCR) Create IfcRatioMeasure | |
Normalised Ratio Measure (ggIFCNR) Create IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure | |
Ifc Simple Property Template (ggIFCSPT) Create IfcSimplePropertyTemplate | |
Property Single Value (ggIFCPSV) Create IFC PropertySingleValue | |
Modify Property Single Value (ggIFCMPSV) Modify IFC PropertySingleValue | |
Property Bounded Value (ggIFCPBL) Create IFC Property Bounded Value | |
Property List Value (ggIFCPLV) Create IFC PropertyListValue | |
Property Set Add Property (ggIFCPSAP) Add an IfcProperty to an IfcPropertySet | |
Element Quantity (ggIFCEQ) Create IfcElementQuantity | |
Property Set (ggIFCPS) Create IFC PropertySet | |
Create Or Find Property Set (ggIFCCFPS) Create IFC PropertySet or append properties to existing | |
Property Set Template (ggIFCPST) Create IFC PropertySet Template | |
Rel Defines By Template (ggIFCRDBT) Create IfcRelDefinesByTemplate | |
Rel Assigns Group (ggIFCRAG) Assigns to Group | |
Rel Assigns Product (ggIFCRAP) Assigns to Product | |
Rel Declares (ggIFCRD) Definitions Declared | |
Rel Nests (ggIFCRN) Nested Objects | |
Rel Aggregates (ggIFCRA) Aggregate Objects | |
Assign Properties (ggIFCAP) Assign IFC Properties | |
Quantitive Property Set (ggIFCGPS) Create IFC QuantitivePropertySet | |
Physical Quantity (ggIFCPQ) Create IFC PhysicalQuantity | |
Author (ggIFCAI) Author Information for header/owner history |
Actor Role (ggIFCAR) Create IFC Actor Role | |
Organization (ggIFCO) Create IfcOrganization | |
Person (ggIFCP) Create IfcPerson | |
Person And Org (ggIFCPO) Create IfcPersonAndOrganization | |
Application (ggIFCA) Create IfcApplication | |
Postal Address (ggIFCPA) Create IfcPostalAddress | |
Telecom Address (ggIFCTA) Create IfcTelecomAddress | |
Date Time (ggIFCD) Create IfcDateTime | |
Duration (ggIFCD) Create IFC Duration | |
Duration Precise (ggIFCD) Create IFC Duration Precise | |
Process Precedence (ggIFCPP) Create IFC Process Precedence | |
Rel Assigns To Process (ggIFCRATP) Create IfcRelAssignsToProcess | |
Cost Schedule (ggIFCCS) Create IFC Cost Schedule | |
Cost Value (ggIFCCV) Create IFC Cost Value | |
Start and Finish Times (ggIFCSFT) Create IFC Start Finish Time | |
Task Time (ggIFCTT) Create IFC Task Time | |
Task Time Duration (ggIFCTTD) Create IFC Task Time Duration | |
Task (ggIFCT) Create IFC Task | |
Task Type (ggIFCTT) Create IFC Task Type | |
Rel Sequence (ggIFCRS) Create IFC RelSequence | |
Time Period (ggIFCTP) Create IFC Time Period | |
Lag Time (ggIFCLT) Create IFC Lag Time | |
Work Time (ggIFCWT) Create IFC Work Time | |
Work Calendar (ggIFCWC) Create IFC Work Calendar | |
Work Plan (ggIFCWP) Create IFC Work Plan | |
Work Schedule (ggIFCWS) Create IFC Work Schedule | |
Recurrence Pattern (ggIFCRP) Create IFC Recurrence Pattern | |
Construction Resource (ggIFCCR) Create IfcConstructionResource | |
Dimension Style (ggIFCDS) Identify Dimension Style | |
Stage Display (ggIFCSD) Create Stage Display Mode | |
Stage View Port (ggIFCVP) Create Stage ViewPort | |
Create Page Views From Tasks (ggIFCPVT) Create Page Views from list of IfcTasks | |
Create Page Views From Parts (ggIFCPVP) Create Page Views from list of Parts | |
Assemble Task (ggAssembleTask) Assemble Task | |
Assemble Part (ggAssemblePart) Assemble Part | |
Text Dot (ggTextDot) Define TextDot | |
Page Text (ggPageText) Define Page Text | |
Create Table (ggCreateTable) Create Table | |
Create Table Header (ggCreateTableHeader) Create Table Header | |
Create Table Row (ggCreateTableRow) Create Table Row | |
Assign Named View (ggAssignNamedView) Assign a Rhino Named View to a ViewPort at a Particular Stage |
Distribution System (ggIFCDS) Create IfcDistributionSystem | |
Distribution Port (ggIFCDP) Create IFC DistributionPort | |
Transport Element (ggIFCTE) Create IFC Transport Element | |
Actuator Type (ggIFCAT) Create IFC Actuator Type | |
Actuator Element (ggIFCAE) Create IFC Actuator Element | |
Alarm Type (ggIFCAT) Create IFC Alarm Type | |
Alarm Element (ggIFCAE) Create IFC Alarm Element | |
Controller Type (ggIFCCT) Create IFC Controller Type | |
Burner Type (ggIFCBT) Create IFC Burner Type | |
Controller Element (ggIFCCE) Create IFC Controller Element | |
Flow Instrument Type (ggIFCFIT) Create IFC Flow Instrument Type | |
Sensor Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Sensor Type | |
Cable Carrier Segment Type (ggIFCCCST) Create IFC Cable Carrier Segment Type | |
Cable Segment Type (ggIFCCST) Create IFC Cable Segment Type | |
Flow Segment (ggIFCFS) Create IFC Flow Segment including Cable, CableCarrier, Duct and Pipe | |
Duct Segment Type (ggIFCDST) Create IFC Duct Segment Type | |
Pipe Segment Type (ggIFCPST) Create IFC Pipe Segment Type | |
Duct Segment (ggIFCDS) Create IFC Duct Segment | |
Pipe Segment (ggIFCPS) Create IFC Pipe Segment | |
Flow Elements (ggIFCFE) Create IFC Flow Elements | |
Pipe Segment Common Properties (ggIFCPSP) Create IFC Pipe Segment Common Properties | |
Duct Fitting Type (ggIFCDFT) Create IFC Duct Fitting Type | |
Duct Fitting Element (ggIFCDS) Create IFC Duct Fitting Element | |
Pipe Connector Fitting Type (ggIFCPCFT) Create IFC Pipe Connector Fitting Type | |
Pipe Bend Fitting Type (ggIFCPBFT) Create IFC Pipe Bend Fitting Type | |
Pipe Fitting Type (ggIFCPFT) Create IFC Pipe Fitting Type | |
Fitting (ggIFCF) Create IFC Fitting | |
Connect Distribution (ggIFCCD) Connect Distribution Elements | |
Air Terminal Element (ggIFCAT) Create IFC Air Terminal Element | |
Electric Appliance Element (ggIFCEA) Create IFC Electric Appliance Element | |
Fire Suppression Terminal Type (ggIFCFST) Create IFC Fire Suppression Terminal Type | |
Fire Suppression Terminal (ggIFCFST) Create IFC Fire Suppression Terminal | |
Lamp Element (ggIFCL) Create IFC Lamp Element | |
Light Fixture Type (ggIFCLFT) Create IFC Light Fixture Type | |
Light Fixture (ggIFCLF) Create IFC Light Fixture | |
Outlet (ggIFCO) Create IFC Outlet | |
Sanitary Terminal Type (ggIFCSTT) Create IFC Sanitary Terminal Type | |
Sanitary Terminal (ggIFCST) Create IFC Sanitary Terminal | |
Stack Terminal (ggIFCST) Create IFC Stack Terminal | |
Waste Terminal (ggIFCST) Create IFC Waste Terminal |
Sign Document (ggIFCSD) Sign Document for GG Components for creating scripts that work without explicit Geometry Gym license checks. Contact support@geometrygym.com for more details on how to access this. | |
Global Id Pool (ggIFCGIP) Nominate GlobalId Pool | |
Specific Bake (ggIFCSB) Create IFC Stream Bake of specific products | |
Duplicated Bake (ggIFCDB) Create IFC Stream Bake of duplicated project (filters out unused IFC entities) | |
Stream Bake (ggIFCSB) Create IFC Stream Bake | |
Stream (ggIFCS) Create IFC Stream | |
Space Common Props (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Space Common Properties | |
Geometric Representation Sub Context (ggIFCGRSC) Create IFC Geometric Representation Sub Context | |
Building (ggIFCB) Create IFC Building | |
Site (ggIFCS) Create IFC Site | |
Facility Part Common (ggIFCFPC) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcFacilityPartCommonTypeEnum | |
Railway Part (ggIFCRPT) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcRailwayPartTypeEnum | |
Marine Part (ggIFCMPT) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcMarinePartTypeEnum | |
Road Part (ggIFCRPT) Create IfcFacilityPartTypeSelect from IfcRoadPartTypeEnum | |
Bridge Part (ggIFCBP) Create IfcBridgePart | |
Facility Part (ggIFCFP) Create IfcFacilityPart | |
Building Storey (ggIFCBS) Create IFC Building Storey | |
Facility (ggIFCF) Create IfcFacility | |
Bridge (ggIFCB) Create IfcBridge | |
Marine Facility (ggIFCM) Create IfcMarineFacility | |
Railway (ggIFCR) Create IfcRailway | |
Road (ggIFCR) Create IfcRoad | |
Tunnel (ggIFCT) Create IfcTunnel | |
Spatial Zone (ggIFCSZ) Create IFC SpatialZone | |
Space Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Space Type | |
Space (ggIFCS) Create IFC Space | |
Building System (ggIFCBS) Create IfcBuildingSystem | |
Grid Axis (ggIFCGA) Create IFC GridAxis | |
Project Library (ggIFCPL) Create IfcProjectLibrary, Only one Project should be generated in each Grasshopper document | |
Project (ggIFCP) Create IFC Project, Only one Project should be generated in each Grasshopper document | |
File Info (ggIFCFI) Create Information for File Header | |
Geometric Representation Context (ggIFCGRC) Create IfcGeometricRepresentationContext | |
System (ggIFCS) Create IfcSystem | |
Group (ggIFCG) Create IfcGroup | |
Assign To Group (ggIFCG) Assign To IfcGroup | |
Zone (ggIFCZ) Create IFC Zone | |
Read File (ggIFC) Read IFC File Data | |
Recognize (ggIFCR) Recognize IFC Object | |
Import (ggIFCI) Import IFC Data |
Cardinal Point (ggIFCCP) Generate IFC Cardinal Point | |
Derived Profile (ggIFCRP) Create IFC Derived Profile | |
Circle(Hollow)Profile Def (ggIFCCHP) Create IFC Circle (Hollow if thickness nominated) Profile Def | |
IProfile Def (ggIFCIP) Create IFC I Profile Def | |
Asym IProfile Def (ggIFCAIP) Create IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef | |
LProfile Def (ggIFCLP) Create IFC L Profile Def | |
Rect(Hollow)Profile Def (ggIFCRHP) Create IFC Rectangle (Hollow if thickness nominated) Profile Def | |
TProfile Def (ggIFCTP) Create IFC T Profile Def | |
CProfile Def (ggIFCCP) Create IFC C Profile Def | |
UProfile Def (ggIFCUP) Create IFC U Channel Profile Def | |
Rectangle Profile (ggIFCRP) Create IFC Rectangle Profile | |
Profile Def (ggIFCPD) Create IFC Profile Def | |
Composite Profile Def (ggIFCCPD) Create IFC Composite Profile Def | |
Profile Properties (ggIFCPP) Create IFC Profile Properties | |
Associate Material (ggIFCAM) Associate IfcMaterial | |
Assign Material (ggIFCAM) Assign IFC Materials | |
Colour RGB (ggIFCC) Create IfcColourRGB | |
Material (ggIFCM) Create IFC Material | |
Mat Mech Props (ggIFCMMP) Create IFC Material Mechanical Properties | |
Mat Props (ggIFCMP) Create IFC Material Properties | |
Mat Comm Props (ggIFCMPS) Create IFC Material Common Properties | |
Material Constituent (ggIFCMC) Create IFC Material Constituent | |
Material Constituent Set (ggIFCMCS) Create IFC Material Constituent Set | |
Door Window Material Set (ggIFCDWMCS) Create Door/Window IFC Material Constituent Set | |
Steel Common Props (ggIFCMSPS) A set of extended mechanical properties related to steel (or other metallic and isotropic) materials. | |
Material Layer (ggIFCML) Create IFC Material Layer | |
Material Layer Set (ggIFCMLS) Create IFC Material Layer Set | |
Material Profile (ggIFCMP) Create IFC Material Profile, not all characeristics will be utilized in IFC2x3 | |
Material Profile Set (ggIFCMPS) Create IFC Material Profile Set, IFC4 only | |
Material Profile Set Tapering (ggIFCMPST) Create IFC Material Profile Set Tapering, IFC4 only | |
Material Definition Representation (ggIFCMDR) Create IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation | |
Referenced In Spatial Structure (ggIFCRSS) IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure | |
Associate Document (ggIFCAD) Associate IfcDocument | |
Associate Library (ggIFCAL) Associate IfcLibrary | |
Document Information (ggIFCDI) Create IfcDocumentInformation | |
Document Reference (ggIFCDR) Create IfcDocumentReference | |
External Reference Relationship (ggIFCER) Create IfcExternalReferenceRelationship | |
Library Information (ggIFCLI) Create IfcLibraryInformation | |
Library Reference (ggIFCLR) Create IfcLibraryReference |
Decompose Context (ggIFCDC) IFC Decompose Context | |
Decompose Project (ggIFCDP) IFC Decompose Project | |
Decompose SIUnit (ggIFCDSU) Decompose IfcSIUnit | |
Decompose Geom Context (ggIFCDGC) Decompose IfcGeometricRepresentationContext | |
Decompose Spatial Reference Select (ggIFCDSRS) Decompose IfcSpatialReferenceSelect | |
Decompose Spatial Element (ggIFCDSE) IFC Decompose SpatialElement | |
Decompose Site (ggIFCDS) IFC Decompose Site | |
Decompose Building (ggIFCDB) IFC Decompose Building | |
Decompose Building Storey (ggIFCDBS) IFC Decompose Building Storey | |
Decompose Space (ggIFCDS) IFC Decompose Space | |
Decompose Space Boundaries (ggIFCDSB) IFC Decompose Space Boundaries | |
Decompose Grid (ggIFCDG) IFC Decompose Grid | |
Decompose Port (ggIFCDP) IFC Decompose Port | |
Decomposes (ggIFCFD) Find relating from Decomposition | |
Decompose Object Definition (ggIFCDOD) IFC Decompose Object Definition | |
Product Get Geometry (ggIFCPGG) IFC Product Get Geometry | |
Manifold Solid (ggIFCPMS) IFC Product Manifold Solid from faceted brep needing repair | |
Product Dectect Sweep (ggIFCPDS) Detect underlying sweep rep of IfcProduct | |
Product Representation Id (ggIFCPRI) Get Product Representations by identifier such as Body | |
Decompose Product (ggIFCDP) IFC Decompose Product | |
Decompose Element (ggIFCDE) IFC Decompose Element | |
Get Element Material (ggIFCGEM) Get Primary material of IfcElement | |
Decompose Distribution Element (ggIFCDDE) IFC Decompose Distribution Element | |
Decompose Beam (ggIFCDB) IFC Decompose Beam | |
Decompose Member (ggIFCDB) IFC Decompose Member | |
Decompose Column (ggIFCDC) IFC Decompose Column | |
Decompose Door (ggIFCDD) IFC Decompose Door | |
Decompose Slab (ggIFCDS) IFC Decompose Slab | |
Decompose Group (ggIFCDG) IFC Decompose Group | |
Decompose Wall (ggIFCDW) IFC Decompose Wall | |
Decompose Window (ggIFCDW) IFC Decompose Window | |
Decompose Opening Element (ggIFCDOE) IFC Decompose Opening Element | |
Decompose Type Product (ggIFCDTP) IFC Decompose TypeProduct | |
Decompose Element Type (ggIFCDET) IFC Decompose Element Type | |
Decompose Object Type Of (ggIFCOTO) IFC Decompose Object Type Of | |
Object Bounding Box (ggIFCOBB) IfcObject BoundingBox | |
Product Bounding Box (ggIFCPBB) IfcProduct BoundingBox | |
Decompose Work Control (ggIFCDWC) IFC Decompose Work Control |
Bounding Box (ggIFCBB) Create IFC BoundingBox | |
BSpline Surface (ggIFCBS) Create IFC BSpline Surface | |
Surface Of Revolution (ggIFCRS) Create IfcSurfaceOfRevolution | |
Surface Of Extrusion (ggIFCSE) Create IFC SurfaceOfExtrusion | |
Advanced Brep (ggIFCAB) Create IFC Advanced Brep | |
Boolean Difference (ggIFCBD) Create IFC Boolean Difference | |
Boolean Intersection (ggIFCBI) Create IFC Boolean Intersection | |
Boolean Union (ggIFCBD) Create IFC Boolean Union | |
Shell (ggIFCS) Create IFC Shell | |
Face Based Surface Model (ggIFCFSM) Create IFC Face Based Surface Model (similar to Rhino Mesh) | |
Shell Based Surface Model (ggIFCSSM) Create IFC Shell Based Surface Model (similar to Rhino Mesh) | |
Extruded Area Solid (ggIFCEA) Create Ifc Extruded Area Solid | |
Extruded Area Solid Tapered (ggIFCEAT) Create Ifc Extruded Area Solid Tapered | |
Extruded Area Solid CL (ggIFCEACL) Create IfcExtrudedAreaSolid each way from Planar Perimeter | |
Faceted Brep (ggIFCFB) Create IFC Faceted Brep | |
Faceted Swept Disk Solid (ggIFCFSDS) Create Ifc faceted from SweptDiskSolid inputs | |
Half Spaced Solid (ggIFCHSS) Create IFC Half Spaced Solid for boolean operations | |
Revolved Solid (ggIFCRS) Create IFC Revolved Area Solid | |
Cylinder (ggIFCC) Create IFC Cylinder | |
Sectioned Spine (Swept Blend) (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Sectioned Spine similar to a swept blend in Revit. IFC does not stipulate surface interpolation between section profiles and is determined by software implementation which may differ. | |
Sectioned Sectioned Solid Horizontal (ggIFCSSH) Create IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal | |
Sectioned Spine Profiles (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Sectioned Spine. Similar to a loft in Rhino. IFC does not stipulate surface interpolation between section profiles and is determined by software implementation which may differ. | |
Sectioned Spine (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Sectioned Spine. Similar to a loft in Rhino. IFC does not stipulate surface interpolation between section profiles and is determined by software implementation which may differ. | |
Sphere (ggIFCS) Create IFC Sphere | |
Csg Solid (ggIFCCS) Create IfcCsgSolid | |
Geometry Convert Options (ggIFCGCO) Options for converting Rhinocommon geometry to IFC | |
Geometry (ggIFCG) Create Ifc Geometry from Mesh or Brep with Mesh Settings | |
Solid Model (ggIFCSM) Create IFC Solid Model with Mesh Settings | |
Model Mesh (ggIFCM) Create Shape with input Mesh Settings | |
Swept Disk (ggIFCSD) Create IFC Swept Disk Solid | |
Fixed Reference Swept Area Solid (ggIFCFRSAS) Create IFC Fixed Reference Swept Area Solid | |
Surface Curve Swept Area Solid (ggIFCSCSAS) Create IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid | |
Swept Area Solid (ggIFCSAS) Create IFC Swept Area Solid | |
Tessellated Face Set (ggIFCTFS) Create Topological IFC Tessellated Face set (similar to Mesh) | |
Connected Face Set List Faces (ggIFCCS) Create IFC Connected Face set (similar to Rhino Mesh) | |
Face (ggIFCF) Create IFC Face |
Beam Type (ggIFCBT) Create IFC Beam Type | |
Beam Common Properties (ggIFCBP) Create IFC Beam Common Properties | |
Column Type (ggIFCCT) Create IFC Column Type | |
Slab Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Slab Type | |
Slab Common Properties (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Slab Common Properties | |
Wall Common Props (ggIFCWP) Create IFC Wall Common Properties | |
Wall Type (ggIFCWT) Create IFC Wall Type | |
Footing Type (ggIFCFT) Create IFC Footing Type | |
Member Type (ggIFCMT) Create IFC Member Type | |
Pile Type (ggIFCPT) Create IFC Pile Type | |
Plate Type (ggIFCPT) Create IFC Plate Type | |
Plate Common Properties (ggIFCCPP) Create IFC Plate Common Properties | |
Curtain Wall Type (ggIFCCWT) Create IFC Curtain Wall Type | |
Covering Type (ggIFCCT) Create IfcCoveringType | |
Curtain Wall Common Properties (ggIFCCWP) Create IFC CurtainWall Common Properties | |
Railing Type (ggIFCRT) Create IFC Railing Type | |
Roof Type (ggIFCRT) Create IFC Roof Type IFC4 ONLY | |
Shading Device Type (ggIFCSDT) Create IFC Shading Device Type | |
Stair Flight Type (ggIFCSFT) Create IFC Flight Stair Type | |
Stair Type (ggIFCST) Create IFC Stair Type | |
Door Common Properties (ggIFCDCP) Create IFC Door Common Properties | |
Door Lining Props (ggIFCDLP) Create IFC Door Lining Properties | |
Door Panel Properties (ggIFCDPP) Create IFC Door Panel Properties | |
Door Type (ggIFCDT) Create IFC Door Type | |
Door Window Glazing Common Props (ggIFCDWGCP) Create IFC Door Window Glazing Type Common Properties | |
Door Window Shading Common Props (ggIFCDWSCP) Create IFC Door Window Shading Type Common Properties | |
Window Lining Props (ggIFCWLP) Create IFC Window Lining Properties | |
Window Mat Props (ggIFCWMP) Create IFC Window Material Properties | |
Window Panel Props (ggIFCWPP) Create IFC Window Panel Properties | |
Window Type (ggIFCWT) Create IFC Window Type | |
Window Type Quantities (ggIFCWTP) Create IFC Window Type Quantities | |
Building Element Part Type (ggIFCBEPT) Create IFC Building Element Part Type | |
Building Element Proxy Type (ggIFCBEPT) Create IFC Building Element Proxy Type | |
Discrete Accessory Type (ggIFCDAT) Create IFC Discrete Accessory Type | |
Reinforcing Bar Type (ggIFCRBT) Create Ifc Reinforcing Bar Type | |
Mechanical Fastener Type (ggIFCMFT) Create IFC MechanicalFastener Type |
Brep Faceted (ggIFCBF) Create Rhino faceted BREP using Geometry Gym Routine | |
Parse JSON (ggIFCPJ) Parse Ifc JSON string | |
To JSON (ggIFCJ) Get JSON of Ifc Instance | |
To XML (ggIFCX) Get XML of Ifc Instance | |
Get Database (ggIFCDB) Get Database of Ifc Instance | |
Get Class Name (ggIFCCN) Get ClassName of Ifc Instance | |
Get By Name (ggIFCSBN) Get collection of entities by Name | |
Merge Files (ggIFCMF) Merge IFC files, should have consistent base points, units etc | |
Change Release (ggIFCChangeRelease) ChangeRelease | |
Summarize Size (ggIFCSS) Summarize Size of IFC File | |
Insert Spatial (ggIFCIS) Insert Spatial and reassign existing products | |
Extract Delegate (ggIFCFED) Extract Objects from IFC Entity using Delegate Functions | |
Extract (ggIFCFE) Extract Objects from IFC Entity | |
Dispatch (ggIFCD) Dispatch List of elements based on expression | |
Delta IFC (ggIFCD) Delta of two IfcProjects using GlobalIds | |
Dispatch By Boxes (ggIFCDBB) Dispatch elements By Boxes | |
Dispatch By Planes (ggIFCDBP) Dispatch elements By Planes | |
Dispatch Elements to Models (ggIFCDEM) Dispatch elements to models nominated by delegate function generating path | |
Dispatch By Definitions (ggIFCDBD) Dispatch elements By Definitions (ie planes, breps) | |
Dispatch Definition (ggIFCDD) Definition to Dispatch elements | |
Options Dispatch (ggIFCOD) Options for Dispatch elements By Definitions (ie planes, breps) | |
Find Ifc Duplicates (ggIFCFD) Find duplicate IFC Entities from list of objects | |
Find Ifc Entity (ggIFCFE) Find IFC Entity by name from list of objects | |
Delete Product (ggIFCFP) Delete IFC Product | |
Find Product (ggIFCFP) Find IFC Product | |
Find Element By Tag (ggIFCFEBT) Find IfcElementByTag | |
Product Attributes (ggIFCFPA) Get IFC Product Attributes from Rhino Object User Text | |
Find Property (ggIFCFP) Find IFC Property | |
Find Quantity (ggIFCFQ) Find IfcQuantity | |
Find Property Set (ggIFCFPS) Find IFC Property Set |
Decompose Ifc Presentation Layer (ggIFCDPL) Decompose IfcPresentationLayerAssignment | |
Decompose Profile Def (ggIFCDPD) IFC Decompose ProfileDef | |
Decompose IProfile Def (ggIFCDPD) IFC Decompose ProfileDef | |
Decompose Open Cross Profile Def (ggIFCDOPD) IFC Decompose OpenCrossProfileDef | |
Decompose Product Representation (ggIFCDPR) IFC Decompose Product Representation | |
Decompose Ifc Rel Associates (ggIFCDR) IFC Decompose RelAssociates | |
Decompose Representation Item (ggIFCDRI) Decompose IfcRepresentationItem | |
Decompose Shape Model (ggIFCDSM) Decompose IfcShapeModel | |
Decompose Styled Item (ggIFCDSI) Decompose IfcStyledItem | |
Decompose Presentation Style Assignment (ggIFCPSA) Decompose IfcPresentationStyleAssignment | |
Decompose Surface Style (ggIFCSS) Decompose IfcSurfaceStyle | |
Decompose Surface Style Shading (ggIFCSSS) Decompose IfcSurfaceStyleShading | |
Decompose Local Placement (ggIFCDLP) IFC Decompose Local Placement | |
Decompose Ifc Colour Rgb (ggIFCC) Decompose IfcColourRgb | |
Decompose Ifc Material (ggIFCDM) Decompose IfcMaterial | |
Decompose Ifc Material List (ggIFCDML) Decompose IfcMaterialList | |
Decompose Ifc Material Layer Set (ggIFCDMLS) Decompose IfcMaterialLayerSet | |
Decompose Ifc Material Layer Set Usage (ggIFCDMLSU) Decompose IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage | |
Decompose Ifc Material Layer (ggIFCDML) Decompose IfcMaterialLayer | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile (ggIFCDMP) Decompose IfcMaterialProfile | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile Set (ggIFCDMPS) Decompose IfcMaterialProfileSet | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile Set Usage (ggIFCDMPSU) Decompose IfcMaterialProfileSetUsage | |
Decompose Ifc Material Profile Set Usage Tapering (ggIFCDMPSUT) Decompose IfcMaterialProfileSetUsageTapering | |
Decompose Classification Reference (ggIFCDCR) IFC Decompose ClassificationReference | |
Decompose Property Single Value (ggIFCDPSV) IFC Decompose PropertySingleValue | |
Decompose Property Set (ggIFCDPS) IFC Decompose PropertySet | |
Decompose Complex Property (ggIFCDCP) IFC Decompose Complex Property | |
Decompose Element Quantity (ggIFCDEQ) IFC Decompose Element Quantities | |
Decompose Simple Quantity (ggIFCDPQ) IFC Decompose SimpleQuantity | |
Decompose Property Set Template (ggIFCDPS) IFC Decompose PropertySetTemplate |
CTO2D (ggIFCCTO2D) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator 2D | |
CT2d Mirror (ggIFCCTM) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Mirror | |
CTMirror (ggIFCCTM) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Mirror | |
CTOrient (ggIFCCTO) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Mirror | |
CTRotate (ggIFCCTR) Create IFC Cartesian Transformation Operator Rotate | |
Geometric Set (ggIFCGS) Create IFC Geometric Set | |
Direction (ggIFCD) Create IfcDirection | |
Point (ggIFCP) Create IFC Point | |
Point On Curve (ggIFCPOC) Create IFC Point On Curve | |
Circle (ggIFCC) Create IfcCircle | |
Clothoid (ggIFCC) Create IfcClothoid | |
Line (ggIFCL) Create IFC Line | |
Curve (ggIFCBC) Create IFC Bounded Curve | |
Curve Segment (ggIFCCS) Create IfcCurveSegment | |
Trimmed Curve (ggIFCTC) Create IfcTrimmedCurve | |
Composite Curve (ggIFCCC) Create IfcCompositeCurve | |
Curve Bounded Plane (ggIFCCBP) Create IFC Curve Bounded Plane | |
Plane (ggIFCP) Create IFC Plane | |
Weld SSPPBW (ggIFCWSSPPBW) Create Weld Prep Single Sided Partial Penetration Butt Weld | |
Weld DSPPBW (ggIFCWDSPPBW) Create Weld Prep Double Sided Partial Penetration Butt Weld | |
Weld Prep B (ggIFCWPB) Create Weld Prep | |
Swept Area (ggIFCS) Create IFC Swept Area | |
Point By Distance Expression (ggIFCPBDE) Create IfcPointByDistanceExpression | |
Edge (ggIFCEC) Create IfcEdge Curve | |
Vertex Point (ggIFCV) Create IFC Vertex Point | |
Text Literal (ggIFCTL) Create IfcTextLiteral | |
Product Definition Shape (ggIFCPDS) Create IfcProductDefinitionShape | |
Shape Representation (ggIFCSR) Create IfcShapeRepresentation | |
Mapped Item (ggIFCMI) Create IFC MappedItem |
Ifc Alignment Horizontal Segment (ggIFCAHS) Create IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment | |
Ifc Alignment Horizontal (ggIFCAH) Create IfcAlignmentHorizontal from segments | |
Ifc Alignment Horizontal By Curve (ggIFCAHC) Create IfcAlignmentHorizontal from 2d polycurve | |
Ifc Alignment Vertical By Curve (ggIFCAVC) Create IfcAlignmentVertical segments from polyline | |
Ifc Alignment Vertical Segment (ggIFCAVS) Create IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment | |
Ifc Alignment Vertical (ggIFCAV) Create IfcAlignmentVertical from segments | |
Ifc Alignment Cant Segment (ggIFCACS) Create IfcAlignmentCantSegment | |
Ifc Alignment Cant (ggIFCAC) Create IfcAlignmentCant from segments | |
Ifc Alignment (ggIFCA) Create IfcAlignment | |
Alignment Cant Segment (ggIFCACS) Create IfcAlignmentCantSegment | |
Alignment Cant Segment Plane (ggIFCACSP) Compute IfcAlignmentCantSegment compute plane | |
Ifc Referent (ggIFCR) Create IfcReferent | |
Ifc Alignment Plane At (ggIFCAPA) Compute plane on alignment by distance along | |
Axis2Placement2D (ggIFCA2) Create IFC Axis2Placement2D | |
Axis2Placement Linear (ggIFCA2L) Create IfcAxis2PlacementLinear | |
Projected CRS (ggIFCPCRS) Create IfcProjectedCRS | |
Map Conversion (ggIFCPMC) Create IfcMapConversion | |
Plane NE (ggIFCPNE) Create a plane from Northings, Eastings and elevation | |
Local Placement (ggIFCLP) Create IfcLocalPlacement | |
Linear Placement (ggIFCLP) Create IfcLinearPlacement | |
Grid (ggIFCG) Create IFC Grid | |
Decompose Alignment (ggIFCDA) IFC Decompose Alignment | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Curve (ggIFCDAC) Decompose IfcAlignmentCurve | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Horizontal (ggIFCDAH) Decompose IfcAlignmentHorizontal | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Horizontal Segment (ggIFCDAHS) Decompose IfcAlignmentHorizontalSegment | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Vertical (ggIFCDAV) Decompose IfcAlignmentVertical | |
Decompose Ifc Aligment Vertical Segment (ggIFCDAVS) Decompose IfcAlignmentVerticalSegment |
gg Rvt Stream Bake (ggRvtSB) Revit IFC Stream Bake | |
gg Rvt Stream (ggRvtS) Revit IFC Stream | |
gg Rvt Material (ggRvtM) Create Revit Material | |
gg Rvt Material Layer (ggRvtML) Create Revit Material Layer | |
gg Rvt Global Id (ggRvtGlobalId) Extract Element GlobalID (Rhino Inside) | |
gg Rvt Profile (ggRvtP) Create Revit Profile | |
gg Rvt Taper Profile (ggRvtTP) Create Revit Taper Profile | |
gg Rvt Circle Profile (ggRvtCP) Create Revit Circular Profile | |
gg Rvt Rectangle Profile (ggRvtRP) Create Revit Rectangle Profile | |
gg Rvt IProfile Def (ggRvtIP) Create Revit I Profile Def | |
gg Rvt TProfile Def (ggRvtTP) Create Revit T Profile Def | |
gg Rvt CProfile Def (ggRvtCP) Create Revit C Profile Def | |
gg Rvt Extrusion (ggRvtE) Create an extrusion in Revit | |
gg Rvt Extrusion Symmetric (ggRvtES) Create an extrusion in Revit both sides from profile | |
gg Rvt Swept Blend (ggRvtSB) Create a swept blend in Revit. | |
gg Rvt Sweep (ggRvtS) Create a sweep in Revit | |
gg Rvt Blend (ggRvtB) Create a Blend in Revit | |
gg Rvt Loft (ggRvtL) Create a loft for a mass in Revit | |
gg Rvt Brep (ggRvtB) Create a Brep for Revit | |
gg Rvt Cut (ggRvtC) Create a Revit cut shape | |
gg Rvt Level (ggRvtLevel) Create Revit Level | |
gg Rvt Set Host (ggRvtSetHost) Nominate Host of element | |
gg Rvt Grid (ggRvtG) Create Revit Grid | |
gg Rvt Project Info (ggRvtPI) Revit Project Information |
Change Host (ggIFCCH) Change Object Host | |
Remove Product Rep (ggIFCRPR) Remove Product Representation | |
Absorb Products (ggIFCAP) Absorb product representations into a master element | |
Transform Product (ggIFCTP) Work in Progress Transform Product | |
Transform Representation (ggIFCTR) Work in Progress Transform Product Representation | |
Morph Element (ggIFCME) Morph Element into another | |
Morph Element Type (ggIFCMET) Morph Element Type into another | |
Substitute Representation (ggIFCSR) Substitute Representation | |
Split Multi Representations (ggIFCSMR) Split elements that have multiple representations | |
Split Heights (ggIFCSH) Split vertical elements at height | |
Substitute Style Assignments (ggIFCSSA) Substitute StyledItem StyleAssignments | |
Replace Or Add Property (ggIFCRAP) Replace or Add a property in an IfcPropertySet | |
Remove Property (ggIFCRP) Remove a property from an IfcPropertySet | |
Unassign Property Set (ggIFCUPS) Remove assignment of a PropertySet from a type or instance, won't undo if component recalculates | |
Trim By Planes (ggIFCTBP) Trim By Planes | |
Remove Overlap (ggIFCRO) Remove overlap of IfcProducts, Initial implementation only mesh geometry | |
Modify Local Placement (ggIFCMLP) Modify IfcLocalPlacement | |
Modify Site (ggIFCMS) Modify IfcSite | |
Modify Object (ggIFCMO) Modify IfcObject | |
Modify Styling (ggIFCMS) Modify IfcRepresentationItem Styling | |
Decompose Plates (ggIFCDP) Generate plates from element geometry | |
Duplicate Options (ggIFCDO) Create options for IFC duplication | |
Duplicate Project (ggIFCDP) Duplicate an IFC project into a new database | |
Duplicate (ggIFCD) Duplicate an IFC concept |
Type Product (ggIFCTP) Create IfcTypeProduct | |
Element Type (ggIFCET) Create IFC Element Type, right click on component for context menu to nominate type | |
Relate Type (ggIFCRT) Relate IfcTypeObject (or sub types) to an element or product, use with care that classes match | |
Shape Aspect (ggIFCSA) Create IfcShapeAspect | |
Representation Map (ggIFCRM) Create IFC RepresentationMap | |
Representation Map Block (ggIFCRM) Create IFC RepresentationMap From Rhino Block | |
Elements from layer (ggIFCELB) Create IFC elements from layer objects (including blocks) | |
Built System (ggIFCBS) Create IfcBuiltSystem | |
GUID (ggIFCGUID) Create IFC Global ID, use this component carefully to not use a unique identifier multiple times. Duplicating this component (Cut/Copy and Paste) will generate a new set of ids | |
Hash GUID (ggIFCDG) Create Deterministic IfcGlobalID using a hash | |
Convert GUID (ggIFCCGUID) Convert GUID to IFC Format | |
Decode Global Id (ggIFCCDId) Decode IfcGloballyUniqueId to GUID | |
Set GUID (ggIFCCSGUID) Set GUID to IfcRoot based Object | |
Create Element (ggIFCE) Create relocated/mapped IFC Element from a product type | |
Curve Based Element (ggIFCCBE) Create IFC Element from IfcElementType with IfcMaterialProfile assigned | |
Opening Element (ggIFCOE) Create IFC Opening Element | |
Voiding Feature (ggIFVF) Create IFC Voiding Feature | |
Fills Opening (ggIFCF) Create IFC Fills | |
Furnishing Element (ggIFCFE) Create IFC Furnishing Element | |
Furniture Type (ggIFCFT) Create IFC Furniture Type | |
Geographic Element Type (ggIFCGET) Create IFC Geographic Element Type | |
Element Assembly Type (ggIFCEAT) Create IFC Element Assembly Type | |
Element Assembly (ggIFCEA) Create IFC Element Assembly | |
Product (ggIFCP) Create IfcProduct |
Redefine Representation Map (ggIFCRRM) Redefine Representation Map | |
Beam Standard Case (ggIFCBSC) Create IFC Beam Standard Case | |
Column Standard Case (ggIFCCSC) Create IFC Column Standard Case | |
Slab Standard Case (ggIFCSSC) Create IFC Slab Standard Case | |
Wall Standard Case (ggIFCWSC) Create IFC Wall Standard Case | |
Pile Standard Case (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Pile Standard Case | |
Plate Standard Case (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Plate Standard Case | |
Plate Standard Case CL (ggIFCPSCCL) Create IFC Plate Standard Case Centreline | |
Member Standard Case (ggIFCMSC) Create IFC Member Standard Case | |
Curtain Wall Standard Case (ggIFCCWSC) Create IFC Curtain Wall | |
Covering (ggIFCC) Create IfcCovering | |
Curtain Wall (ggIFCCW) Create IFC Curtain Wall | |
Curtain Wall Adapt Comp (ggIFCCWSC) Create IFC Curtain Wall Adaptive Component | |
Railing Standard Case (ggIFCRSC) Create IFC Railing Standard Case | |
Roof Standard Case (ggIFCRSC) Create IFC Roof Standard Case | |
Door Standard Case (ggIFCDSC) Create IFC Door Standard Case | |
Window Standard Case (ggIFCWSC) Create IFC Window Standard Case | |
Morph To Building Element Proxy (ggIFCMBEP) Morph To BuildingElementProxy | |
Create Bolt Group XY (ggIFCBGXY) Create IFC Bolt Group XY | |
Create Bolt Properties (ggIFCBP) Create IFC Bolt Properties | |
Fastener Bolt Properties (ggIFCFBP) Create IFC Fastener Bolt Properties | |
Fastener Weld Properties (ggIFCFWP) Create IFC Fastener Weld Properties | |
Reinforcing Bar Property (ggIFCRBP) Create IFC Reinforcing Bar Property | |
Reinforcing Bar (ggIFCRB) Create IFC Reinforcing Bar |
Decompose Structural Analysis Model (ggIFCDSAM) IFC Decompose Structural Analysis Model | |
Decompose Structural Load Group (ggIFCDSLG) IFC Decompose Structural Load Group | |
Structural Analysis Model (ggIFCSAM) Create IFC StructuralAnalysisModel | |
Detect Structural Analysis (ggIFCDSA) Detect IFC StructuralAnalysis Data | |
Detect Struct Analysis Options (O) Options for detection IFC Structural Analysis | |
Detect Struct Analysis Filter (F) IFC Elemnt filter for detecting IFC Structural Analysis Model | |
Structural Point (ggIFCSP) Create IFC StructuralPoint | |
Boundary Node Condition (ggIFCBC) Create IFC BoundaryNodeCondition | |
Boundary Node Condition Stiffness (ggIFCBCS) Create IFC BoundaryNodeConditionStiffness | |
Create Curve Memb (ggIFCCM) Create Structural Curve Member | |
Define Curve Memb (ggIFCDCM) Define Structural Curve Member | |
Curve Memb Params (ggIFCCMP) Create Structural Curve Member Parameters | |
Define Surface Memb (ggIFCDSM) Define Structural Surface Member | |
Surface Memb Params (ggIFCSMP) Create Structural Surface Member Parameters | |
Curve Memb End Params (ggIFCCMEP) Create Structural Curve Member End Parameters | |
Mesh To Finite Elem (ggIFCMFE) Create IFC StructuralSurfaceMembers from Mesh | |
Create Structural Load Case (ggIFCSLC) Create Structural Load Case | |
Load Case Params (ggIFCLCP) Load Case Params | |
Create Structural Point Load (ggIFCSPL) Create Structural Point Load | |
Create Structural Load Linear (ggIFCSLL) Create Structural Load Linear | |
Create Structural Planar Load (ggIFCSPL) Create Structural Planar Load |
Building Common Props (ggIFCBP) Create IFC Building Common Properties | |
Land Registration Props (ggIFCLRP) Create Pset_LandRegistration | |
Pset Space Common (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Pset_SpaceCommon | |
Space Occ Req Props (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Space Occupancy Requirement Properties concerning work activities occurring or expected to occur within one or a set of similar spatial structure elements. | |
Space Therm Req Props (ggIFCSP) Create IFC Space Thermal Requirement Properties related to the comfort requirements for thermal and other thermal related performance properties of spaces that apply to the occurrences of IfcSpace, IfcSpatialZone or IfcZone | |
Pset Manufacturer Type Information (ggIFCPSMTI) Create Ifc Pset_ManufacturerTypeInformation | |
Pset Slab Common (ggIFCPSC) Create IFC Pset_SlabCommon | |
Pset Stationing (ggIFCPS) Create IFC Pset_Stationing | |
Pset Space Thermal Requirements (ggIFCPST) Create IFC Pset_SpaceThermalRequirements | |
Pset Wall Common (ggIFCPWC) Create IFC Pset_WallCommon | |
Pset Window Common (ggIFCPWC) Create IFC Pset_WindowCommon | |
Qto Beam Base Quantities (ggIFCBBQ) Create IFC Qto_BeamBaseQuantities | |
Qto Column Base Quantities (ggIFCCBQ) Create IFC Qto_ColumnBaseQuantities | |
Qto Slab Base Quantities (ggIFCSBQ) Create IFC Qto_SlabBaseQuantities | |
Qto Space Base Quantities (ggIFCSBQ) Create IFC Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities | |
Qto Wall Base Quantities (ggIFCWBQ) Create IFC Qto_WallBaseQuantities | |
Qto Window Base Quantities (ggIFCWBQ) Create IFC Qto_WindowBaseQuantities |
Decompose Representation Map (ggIFCDRM) IFC Decompose Representation Map | |
Decompose Manifold Solid (ggIFCDMS) IFC Decompose Manifold Solid | |
Decompose Extruded Area Solid (ggIFCDEAS) IFC Decompose Extruded Area Solid | |
Decompose Swept Area Solid (ggIFCDSAS) IFC Decompose Swept Area Solid | |
Decompose Swept Disk Solid (ggIFCDSDS) IFC Decompose Swept Area Solid | |
Decompose Polygonal Face Set (ggIFCDPFS) IFC Decompose PolygonalFaceSet | |
Decompose Cartesian Point List3D (ggIFCDCPL) IFC Decompose CartesianPointList3D | |
Decompose Boolean Result (ggIFCDBR) IFC Decompose Building Result | |
Decompose Gradient Curve (ggIFCDGC) IFC Decompose GradientCurve | |
Decompose Segmented Reference Curve (ggIFCDSRC) IFC Decompose SegmentedReferenceCurve | |
Decompose Curve Segment (ggIFCDCS) IFC Decompose CurveSegment | |
Decompose Ifc Geometric Set (ggIFCDGS) IFC Decompose GeometricSet | |
Decompose Offset Curve By Distances (ggIFCDOCD) Decompose IfcOffsetCurveByDistances | |
Decompose Distance Expression (ggIFCDDE) Decompose IfcDistanceExpression | |
Decompose Ifc Sectioned Surface (ggIFCDSS) IFC Decompose SectionedSurface | |
Compute Plane At (ggIFCCPA) Ifc Compute Plane At | |
Decompose Mapped Item (ggIFCDMI) IFC Decompose Mapped Item |
gg BCFTransform (ggBCFT) Transform | |
gg BCFWrite File (ggBCFWF) WriteFile | |
gg BCFProject (ggBCFP) Project | |
gg BCFTopic (ggBCFT) Topic | |
gg BCFMarkup (ggBCFM) Markup | |
gg BCFViewpoint (ggBCFVP) Viewpoint | |
gg BCFVisualization Info (ggBCFVI) VisualizationInfo | |
gg BCFCreate Bitmap (ggBCFCB) A list of bitmaps can be used to add more information, for example, text in the visualization. | |
gg BCFComponents (ggBCFC) Components | |
gg BCFComponents Visibility (ggBCFC) BCF Components Visibility | |
gg BCFComponents Color (ggBCFCC) BCF Components Color | |
gg BCFComponent (ggBCFC) Component | |
gg BCFPerspective Camera (ggBCFPC) Describes a viewpoint using perspective camera | |
gg BCFOrthogonal Camera (ggBCFOC) Describes a viewpoint using orthogonal camera | |
gg BCFDefine Snapshot (ggBCFDS) Defines a snapshot (image calculated upon export) | |
gg BCFZip (ggBCFZ) Zip folder to BCF file, no content validation | |
gg BCFUnzip (ggBCFU) UnZip folder from BCF file |
gg Rvt Element Attributes (ggRvtEA) Create Revit Element Attributes | |
gg Rvt Floor (ggRvtF) Create Revit Floor | |
gg Rvt Roof (ggRvtR) Create Revit Roof | |
gg Rvt Wall (ggRvtW) Create Revit Wall | |
gg Rvt Framing (ggRvtSF) Create Revit Structural Framing | |
gg Rvt Deconstruct Framing (ggRvtDSF) Deconstruct Revit Structural Framing | |
gg Rvt Framing Void (ggRvtSFV) Create Void for Revit Structural Framing | |
gg Rvt Column (ggRvtC) Create Revit Column | |
gg Rvt Foundation (ggRvtF) Create Revit Foundation | |
gg Rvt Door (ggRvtD) Create Revit Door | |
gg Rvt Window (ggRvtW) Create Revit Window | |
gg Rvt Create Instance (ggRvtCI) Create instance of a family | |
gg Rvt Cut Geometry (ggRvtCG) Cut an element with a void | |
gg Rvt Create Adaptive Component (ggRvtAC) Create instance of an Adaptive Component | |
gg Rvt Model Curve (ggRvtMC) Create Model Curve | |
gg Rvt Arch Direct Shape (ggRvtADSI) Create Architecture DirectShape Instance, works well with Geometry Gym importer for Revit 2015 and newer, or native IFC import by Autodesk in earlier (so use Ifc2x3) |
Beam (ggIFCB) Create IFC Beam | |
Building Element Proxy (ggIFCBEP) Create IfcBuildingElementProxy | |
Column (ggIFCC) Create IFC Column | |
Door (ggIFCD) Create IFC Door | |
Footing (ggIFCF) Create IFC Footing | |
Member (ggIFCM) Create IFC Member | |
Opening (ggIFCO) Create IFC Opening, primarily for revit shaft openings. Note the resulting IFC is not strictly compliant, but will work with GeomGym Revit Importer! | |
Pile (ggIFCP) Create IFC Pile | |
Plate (ggIFCP) Create IFC Plate | |
Railing (ggIFCR) Create IFC Railing | |
Roof (ggIFCR) Create IFC Roof | |
Slab (ggIFCS) Create IFC Slab | |
Stair (ggIFCSt) Create IFC Stair | |
Wall (ggIFCW) Create IFC Wall | |
Window (ggIFCW) Create IFC Window | |
Geographic Element (ggIFCGE) Create IFC Geographic Element |
gg Rvt (ggRvtF) Create Revit Family | |
gg Rvt Floor Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Floor Type | |
gg Rvt Roof Type (ggRvtRT) Create Revit Roof Type | |
gg Rvt Wall Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Floor Type | |
gg Rvt Type Attributes (ggRvtTA) Create Revit Type Attributes | |
gg Rvt Framing Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Framing Type | |
gg Rvt Column Type (ggRvtCT) Create Revit Column Type | |
gg Rvt Foundation Type (ggRvtFT) Create Revit Foundation Type | |
gg Rvt Door Type (ggRvtDT) Assign a Revit Door Type. This should be an existing door type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). | |
gg Rvt Window Type (ggRvtWT) Assign a Revit Window Type. This should be an existing Window type loaded in the revit project prior to import (else an opening should be created). | |
gg Rvt Struct Generic Model Type (ggRvtSGMType) Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
gg Rvt Arch Generic Model Type (ggRvtAGMType) Create Architecture Generic Model Type | |
gg Rvt Arch Adapt Comp Type (ggRvtAACT) Create Architecture Adaptive Component Type | |
gg Rvt Mass Type (ggRvtMType) Create a Mass Type |
Curve Style (ggIFCCS) Create IFC Curve Style | |
Fill Area Style (ggIFCFAS) Create IfcFillAreaStyle | |
Ext Hatch (ggIFCEDSG) Create IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle | |
Presentation Style Assignment (ggIFCPSA) Create IfcPresentationStyleAssignment | |
Colour Rgb List (ggIFCCL) Create IfcColourRgbList | |
Indexed Colour Map (ggIFCICM) Create IfcIndexedColourMap | |
Surface Style (ggIFCSS) Create IFC Surface Style | |
Surface Style Shading (ggIFCSSR) Create IFC Surface Style Shading | |
Surface Style Refraction (ggIFCSSR) Create IFC Surface Style Refraction | |
Styled Item (ggIFCSI) Create IfcStyledItem | |
Presentation Layer (ggIFCPL) Create IFC Presentation Layer Assignment | |
Presentation Layer With Style (ggIFCPLWS) Create IFC Presentation Layer With Style |
Classification (ggIFCC) Create IFC classification | |
Classification Reference (ggIFCCR) Create IfcClassificationReference | |
Uniclass2015 (ggIFCUC) Uniclass2015 IfcClassificationReference | |
Find Classification (ggIFCFCR) Find IfcClassificationReference | |
Read Classification (ggIFCRC) Read IfcClassification. Right click on middle banner for context menu to generate classification reference components | |
Associate Classification (ggIFCAC) Associate IfcClassification | |
Product By Classification (ggIFCPBC) Create IfcProduct from IfcClassificationReference (mapping should be associated) | |
Type Object By Classification (ggIFCTOBC) Create IfcTypObject from IfcClassificationReference (mapping should be associated) | |
System By Classification (ggIFCSBC) Create IfcSystem from IfcClassificationReference (mapping should be associated) |
gg Rvt Boolean Parameter (ggRvtBP) Create Revit Boolean Parameter | |
gg Rvt Integer Parameter (ggRvtIP) Create Revit Integer Parameter | |
gg Rvt Number Parameter (ggRvtNP) Create Revit Number Parameter | |
gg Rvt Text Parameter (ggRvtTP) Create Revit Text Parameter | |
gg Rvt Length Parameter (ggRvtLP) Create Revit Length Parameter | |
gg Rvt Angle Parameter (ggRvtAP) Create Revit Angle Parameter | |
gg Rvt Area Parameter (ggRvtAP) Create Revit Area Parameter | |
gg Rvt Volume Parameter (ggRvtVP) Create Revit Volume Parameter |
gg Rvt Nominate View (ggRvtNV) Nominate Revit View by Id | |
gg Rvt Plan View (ggRvtPV) Create Revit Plan View | |
gg Rvt Sheet (ggRvtS) Create Revit Sheet | |
gg Rvt View Port (ggRvtVP) Create Revit ViewPort | |
gg Rvt Nominate Filled Region Type (ggRvtNFRT) Nominate Revit Filled Region Type | |
gg Rvt Filled Region (ggRvtFR) Create Revit Filled Region |
gg Rvt Curve Analytic Member (ggRvtCAM) Assign Structural Curve Analytic Member | |
gg Rvt Point Restraint (ggRvtPR) Create Revit Point Restraint | |
gg Rvt End Release (ggRvtER) Create Revit Element End Release | |
gg Rvt Boundary Node Condition (ggRvtBC) Create Revit BoundaryNodeCondition |
Split Linear (ggIFCSL) Breakdown product by directrix and parameter intervals | |
Assign Construction Spaces (ggIFCACS) Breakdown construction to linear spaces | |
Split Disjoint (ggIFCSD) Split Products that are disjoint | |
Normalize Ifc (ggIFCNI) NormalizeIfc |
Convert Land XML (ggIFCfromLandXML) Convert LandXML File to isolated IFC database | |
Convert XTR (ggIFCfromXTR) Convert XTR File to isolated IFC database | |
Convert CSV (ggIFCfromCSV) Convert Bentley Open Track csv to alignment |
Site design © Robin Rodricks.
GeomGym IFC and associated data © 2024 Geometry Gym Pty Ltd.
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.
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