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Qto Space Base Quantities

Create IFC Qto_SpaceBaseQuantities


SpaceSIfcSpace, IfcSpatialZone, IfcZoneGeometry
HeightHTotal height (from base slab without flooring to ceiling without suspended ceiling) for this space (measured from top of slab below to bottom of slab above). To be provided only if the space has a constant height.Number
FinishCeilingHeightCHeight of the suspended ceiling (from top of flooring to the bottom of the suspended ceiling). To be provided only if the space has a suspended ceiling with constant height.Number
FinishFloorHeightFHeight of the flooring (from base slab without flooring to the flooring height). To be provided only if the space has a constant flooring height.Number
GrossPerimeterPGross perimeter at the floor level of this space. It all sides of the space, including those parts of the perimeter that are created by virtual boundaries and openings (like doors).Number
NetPerimeterPNet perimeter at the floor level of this space. It excludes those parts of the perimeter that are created by by virtual boundaries and openings (like doors). It is the measurement used for skirting boards and may includes the perimeter of internal fixed objects like columns.Number
GrossFloorAreaGSum of all floor areas covered by the space. It includes the area covered by elementsinside the space (columns, inner walls, etc.) and excludes the area covered by wall claddings.Number
NetFloorAreaNSum of all usable floor areas covered by the space. It excludes the area covered by elements inside the space (columns, inner walls, built-in's etc.), slab openings, or other protruding elements. Varying heights are not taking into account (i.e. no reduction for areas under a minimum headroom).Number
GrossWallAreaWSum of all wall (and other vertically bounding elements, like columns) areas bounded by the space. It includes the area covered by elements inside the wall area (doors, windows, other openings, etc.).Number
NetWallAreaWSum of all wall (and other vertically bounding elements, like columns) areas bounded by the space. It excludes the area covered by elements inside the wall area (doors, windows, other openings, etc.).Number
GrossCeilingAreaCSum of all ceiling areas of the space. It includes the area covered by elementsinside the space (columns, inner walls, etc.). The ceiling area is the real (and not the projected) area (e.g. in case of sloped ceilings).Number
NetCeilingAreaCSum of all ceiling areas of the space. It excludes the area covered by elementsinside the space (columns, inner walls, etc.). The ceiling area is the real (and not the projected) area (e.g. in case of sloped ceilings).Number
GrossVolumeVGross volume enclosed by the space, including the volume of construction elements inside the space.Number
NetVolumeVNet volume enclosed by the space, excluding the volume of construction elements inside the space.Number


IfcElemQntQIfcElementQuantityGeneric Data

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