Reference | R | Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1') | Text |
AcousticRating | A | Acoustic rating for this object. It is giving according to the national building code. It indicates the sound transmission resistance of this object by an index ration (instead of providing full sound absorbtion values | Text |
FireRating | F | Fire rating for this object. It is given according to the national fire safety claggfication. | Text |
Combustible | C | Indication whether the object is made from combustible material or not. | Boolean |
SurfaceSpreadOfFlame | S | Indication on how the flames spread around the surface, It is given according to the national building code that governs the fire behaviour for materials. | Text |
ThermalTransmittance | T | Thermal transmittance coefficient (U-Value) of a material. Here the total thermal transmittance coefficient through the slab (including all materials). | Number |
IsExternal | E | Indication whether the element is designed for use in the exterior or not. If true it is an external element and faces the outside of the building | Boolean |
LoadBearing | B | Indicates whether the object is intended to carry loads or not. | Boolean |
Compartmentation | B | Indication whether the object is designed to serve as a fire compartmentation or not. | Boolean |
PitchAngle | P | Angle of the slab to the horizontal when used as a component for the roof (specified as 0 degrees or not asserted for cases where the slab is not used as a roof component). | Number |