Purpose | P | Predefined Purpose IfcAddressTypeEnum(0=OFFICE 1=SITE 2=HOME 3=DISTRIBUTIONPOINT 4=USERDEFINED 5=NOTDEFINED) | Integer |
Description | D | Text that relates the nature of the address. | Text |
UserDefinedPurpose | U | Allows for specification of user specific purpose of the address beyond the enumeration values provided by Purpose attribute of type IfcAddressTypeEnum. When a value is provided for attribute UserDefinedPurpose, in parallel the attribute Purpose shall have enumeration value USERDEFINED. | Text |
InternalLocation | I | An organization defined address for internal mail delivery. | Text |
AddressLines | L | The postal address. | Text |
PostalBox | B | An address that is implied by an identifiable mail drop. | Text |
Town | T | The name of a town. | Text |
Region | R | The name of a region. | Text |
PostalCode | P | The code that is used by the country's postal service. | Text |
Country | C | The name of a country. | Text |