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Door Window Glazing Common Props

Create IFC Door Window Glazing Type Common Properties


GlassLayersLNumber of glass layers within the frame. E.g. 2 for double glazingInteger
GlassThickness1TThickness of the first (inner) glass layerNumber
GlassThickness2TThickness of the second (intermediate or outer) glass layerNumber
GlassThickness3TThickness of the third (outer) glass layerNumber
FillGasFName of the gas by which the gap between two glass layers is filled. It is given for information purposes onlyText
GlassColorCColor (tint) selection for this glazing. It is given for information purposes onlyText
IsTemperedTIndication whether the glass is temperedBoolean
IsLaminatedLIndication whether the glass is layered with other materialsBoolean
IsCoatedCIndication whether the glass is coated with a materialBoolean
IsWiredWIndication whether the glass includes a contained wire mesh to prevent break-inBoolean
VisibleLightReflectanceRFraction of the visible light that is reflected by the glazing at normal incidence. It is a value without unitNumber
VisibleLightTransmittanceTFraction of the visible light that passes the glazing at normal incidence. It is a value without unitNumber
SolarAbsorptionA(Asol) The ratio of incident solar radiation that is absorbed by a glazing system. It is the sum of the absorption distributed to the exterior (a) and to the interior (qi). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1Number
SolarReflectanceR(Rsol): The ratio of incident solar radiation that is reflected by a glazing system (also named ρe). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1Number
SolarTransmittanceT (Tsol): The ratio of incident solar radiation that directly passes through a glazing system (also named τe). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1Number
SolarHeatGainTransmittanceG(SHGC): The ratio of incident solar radiation that contributes to the heat gain of the interior, it is the solar radiation that directly passes (Tsol or τe) plus the part of the absorbed radiation that is distributed to the interior (qi). The SHGC is refered to also as g-value (g = τe + qi)Number
ShadingCoefficientS(SC): The measure of the ability of a glazing to transmit solar heat, relative to that ability for 3 mm (1/8-inch) clear, double-strength, single glass. Shading coefficient is being phased out in favor of the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), and is approximately equal to the SHGC multiplied by 1.15. The shading coefficient is expressed as a number without units between 0 and 1Number
ThermalTransmittanceSummerSThermal transmittance coefficient (U-Value) of a material. Summer thermal transmittance coefficient of the glazing only, often referred to as (U-value)Number
ThermalTransmittanceWinterWThermal transmittance coefficient (U-Value) of a material. Winter thermal transmittance coefficient of the glazing only, often referred to as (U-value)Number


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