Reference | R | Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1') | Text |
Status | S | Status | Integer |
AcousticRating | A | Acoustic rating for this object. It is giving according to the national building code. It indicates the sound transmission resistance of this object by an index ratio (instead of providing full sound absorbtion values) | Text |
FireRating | F | Fire rating for this object. It is given according to the national fire safety claggfication. | Text |
SecurityRating | S | Index based rating system indicating security level. It is giving according to the national building code. | Text |
DurabilityRating | D | Durability against mechanical stress. It is given according to the national code or regulation. | Text |
HygrothermalRating | H | Resistence against hygrothermal impact from different temperatures and humidities inside and outside. It is given according to the national code or regulation. | Text |
IsExternal | E | Indication whether the element is designed for use in the exterior or not. If true it is an external element and faces the outside of the building | Boolean |
Infiltration | I | Infiltration flowrate of outside air for the filler object based on the area of the filler object at a pressure level of 50 Pascals. It shall be used, if the length of all joints is unknown. | Number |
ThermalTransmittance | T | Thermal transmittance coefficient (U-Value) of a material. Here the total thermal transmittance coefficient through the wall (including all materials). | Number |
GlazingAreaFraction | G | Fraction of the glazing area relative to the total area of the filling element. It shall be used, if the glazing area is not given separately for all panels within the filling element. | Number |
HandicapAccessible | H | Indication that this object is designed to be accessible by the handicapped. It is giving according to the requirements of the national building code. | Boolean |
FireExit | F | Indication whether this object is designed to serve as an exit in the case of fire (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Here it defines an exit window in accordance to the national building code. | Boolean |
HasDrive | D | Indication whether this object has an automatic drive to operate it. | Boolean |
SelfClosing | S | Indication whether this object is designed to close automatically after use | Boolean |
SmokeStop | S | Indication whether the object is designed to provide a smoke stop. | Boolean |