ShapeRepresentations | S | List of representations. Each member defines a valid representation of a particular type within a particular representation context as being an aspect (or part) of a product definition. | Geometry |
Name | N | The word or group of words by which the shape aspect is known. It is a tag to indicate the particular semantic of a component within the product definition shape, used to provide meaning. Example: use the tag Glazing to define which component of a window shape defines the glazing area. | Text |
Description | D | The word or group of words that characterize the shape aspect. It can be used to add additional meaning to the name of the aspect. | Text |
ProductDefinitional | D | An indication that the shape aspect is on the physical boundary of the product definition shape. If the value of this attribute is TRUE, it shall be asserted that the shape aspect being identified is on such a boundary | Boolean |
PartOfProductDefinitionShape | P | IfcProductRepresentationSelect | Generic Data |