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3.Cross Section

BESO for Shells

Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization for shell structures.


ModelModelModel to be optimizedModel
Elem IdsElemIdsList of identifiers of shells that take part in cross section design. By default all are included.Text
LCasesLCasesList of names of load-cases that are considered for BESOText
Target mass ratioTargetRatioTarget Ratio of remaining mass to initial mass of all elements that take part in the BESO (also inactive elements count).Number
MaxIterMaxIterMaximum number of iterationsInteger
EREREvolutionary volume ratio: V(k+1) = V(k)*(1+-ER). If ER<0 (the default) then ER is set to (1-TargetRatio)/MaxIter+ARmax/2.Number
ARmaxARmaxRatio between maximum number of elements to be added per step and all elements.Number
NhistNhistNumber of iterations between the steps which are used for calculating the convergence criteria.Integer
ConvConvRelative change of the mass between two iterations Nhist cycles apart below which convergence is assumed.Number
RminRminRadius of influence [m] for determining the element sensitivity. If Rmin<0 (the default) then Rmin is set to the characteristic element length which is calculated as (total Area/number of elements)^(0.5)*2.Number
RexpRexpExponent for weighting the distance from nodes to element centers for the calculation of sensitivities.Number
KillThickFactorKillThickFacFactor for shell thickness used for soft kill of shell elements.Number


Optimized ModelModelModel after BESO.Model
ModelHistoryModelHistHistory of model-evolutionModel
CHistoryCHistHistory of objective function valuesNumber
VHistoryVHistHistory of volume valuesNumber
InfoInfoInformation regarding the optimization process.Text

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