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3.Cross Section

Beam View (Karamba3D_PUI)

Lets you set the display properties of beams and trusses. Plug it into the definition after a ModelView-component so that you can fine-tune the model display with it.


ModelModelModel to be viewedModel
FilledFilledEnables/disables the output of cross section forces distribution as meshes. Use the 'Length/Segment'-slider of the 'Display Scales'-section of the ModelView-component to refine the display.Boolean
NumbersNumbersEnables/disables the numeric display of cross section forces along beams. Use the 'Length/Segment'-slider of the 'Display Scales'-section of the ModelView-component to refine the display.Boolean
Scale [kN] to [m]Scale kNSets the distance between beam axis and the line describing the cross section forces distribution.Number
Scale [kNm] to [m]Scale kNmSets the distance between beam axis and the line describing the cross section forces distribution.Number
MxMxEnables/disables the display of torsional moments [kNm]. Show bending moment about local X-axis (= torsional moment).Boolean
MyMyEnables/disables the display of moments about the local Y-axis [kNm]. Turn on the 'Local axes' in the 'Display Scales'-section of the ModelView-component to check its direction. The Y-axis is symbolized by the green arrow.Boolean
MzMzEnables/disables the display of moments about the local Z-axis [kNm]. Turn on the 'Local axes' in the 'Display Scales'-section of the ModelView-component to check its direction. The Z-axis is symbolized by the blue arrow.Boolean
NxNxEnables/disables the display of the normal force [kN].Boolean
VyVyEnables/disables the display of shear forces in local Y-direction [kN]. Turn on the 'Local axes' in the 'Display Scales'-section of the ModelView-component to check its direction. The Y-axis is symbolized by the green arrow.Boolean
VzVzEnables/disables the display of shear forces in local Z-direction [kN]. Turn on the 'Local axes' in the 'Display Scales'-section of the ModelView-component to check its direction. The Z-axis is symbolized by the bluw arrow.Boolean
Response PropertiesResPropsSelect the response properties to be displayed: -1: None. 0 - Cross Section: Display of rendered beam cross sections. Use the 'Faces/Cross section'-slider below and the 'Length/Segment'-slider of the 'Display Scales'-section of the ModelView-component to refine the display. 1 - Axial Stress: Rendering of axial stress [kN/cm2] in the beam material. 2 - Utilization: Rendering of the approximate utilization of the beam material. It is calculated as the ratio between axial stress in the beam and yield stress of the material. Shear stresses and buckling are not taken into account. Use the 'Utilization of Elements'-component to get values based on the Eurocode 3 for steel structures. 3 - Displacement: Rendering of resultant displacements on beam cross sections.Integer
Faces/Cross SectionFaces/Cross SectionSets the number of mesh faces over a beams cross section that are used for rendering.Integer


Meshes of rendered beamsMeshMesh of rendered structure: one mesh per shell or beam to keep the list order. The placeholder meshes for shells are 'Null Meshes'.Mesh
Deformed beam axesCurvesLines of sectional forces distribution (if enabled)Curve
Legend colorsLegend CColors of legendColour
Legend tagsLegend TTags of legendText

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