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3.Cross Section

Utilization of Elements

Returns the utilization of beams or shells for each load case according to Eurocode 3. For shells the ratio between Van Mises Stress and yield stress is returned and buckling is not considered. 1 means 100%. By default all elements are included.


Analyzed modelModelModel with calculated displacementsModel
Elements|IdentifiersElems|IdsElements or identifiers of elements for which to retrieve utilization values. By default all elements are included.Generic Data
Load-CaseLCaseName of index of the load-case for which to retrieve results. By default results for all result-cases are retrieved - the output is then the maximum of all.Generic Data
Number of sample pointsnSamplesNumber of sample points where cross section forces and resistance are compared for cross section design.Integer
Elastic designElasttrue: elastic cross section design utilization; false: plastic cross section design utilization for beams. Default: true.Boolean
gammaM0gammaM0Material safety factor in case that buckling does not lead to failure.Number
gammaM1gammaM1Material safety factor in case that buckling leads to failure.Number
SwayFrameSwayFrame'True' if buckling involves sideways sway of the structure.Boolean
With details?Details?If true details regarding intermediate results are output at 'Details'.Boolean


Analyzed modelModelModel with calculated displacementsModel
UtilizationUtilUtilization [] of all active elements. If they are not of the desired type (e.g. shells or beams) zero is used as the default.Number
sig-max [kN/cm2]sig-maxMaximum axial normal stress [kN/cm2] calculated from sig = N/A +- My/Wy +- Mz/Wz.Number
sig-min [kN/cm2]sig-minMinimum axial normal stress [kN/cm2] calculated from sig = N/A +- My/Wy +- Mz/Wz.Number
tau-max [kN/cm2]tau-maxMaximum absolute shear stress [kN/cm2] including torsion and shear in local Y- or Z-direction.Number
Util-NUtil-NContribution of axial force to the total utilization.Number
Util-VyUtil-VyRatio between governing and ultimate shear force in Y-direction.Number
Util-VzUtil-VzRatio between governing and ultimate shear force in Z-direction.Number
Util-MtUtil-MtRatio between governing and ultimate torsional moment.Number
Util-MyUtil-MyContribution of bending moment about to local Y-axis to the total utilization.Number
Util-MzUtil-MzContribution of bending moment about to local Z-axis to the total utilization.Number
DetailsDetailsIntermediate values of the design calculations.Text

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