Beam | Beam | Beam to modify on the fly or no input if modification shall take place in the model based on the identifier. | Element |
Beam identifier|Index | BeamId|Ind | New Identifier for the given beam or identifier or index of the beam in the model which should be modified. Use a regular expression to modify more than one beam. Regular expressions start with '&'. | Text |
Height[cm] | Height | Height [cm] of cross-section if >0. | Number |
Thickness[cm] | Thickness | Thickness [cm] of walls of cross-section if >0. | Number |
Active | Active | If true the beam is active in structure. | Boolean |
Bending | Bending | If true the beam has bending stiffness. Otherwise it is a truss. | Boolean |
Cross section | CroSec | Cross section of the beam. | CrossSection |
Joint | Joint | Joint definition of the beam. | Joint |
Local eccentricity [cm] | EcceLoc | Vector of eccentricity in [cm] of cross section centroid with respect to beam axis in local beam coordinates. | Vector |
Global eccentricity [cm] | EcceGlo | Vector of eccentricity in [cm] of cross section centroid with respect to beam axis in global coordinates. | Vector |
Consider Buckling | Buckling | If true cross section optimization of the element is done considering buckling. Deactivating buckling can be useful for simulating slender elements which you want to pretension in reality but not in the numerical model. | Boolean |
Buckling Length Y[m] | BklLenY | Buckling length [m] of element in local Y-direction if > 0. | Number |
Buckling Length Z[m] | BklLenZ | Buckling length [m] of element in local Z-direction if > 0. | Number |
Buckling Length LT[m] | BklLenLT | Buckling length [m] of element for lateral torsional buckling if > 0. | Number |
NII[kN] | NII | Normal force [kN] that induces second order theory effects. In case of trusses or beams it is an axial normal force. Tension is positive, compression negative. | Number |
X-Orientation | X-Ori | Set X-Orientation of the beam: Flips X-axis of the beam if it points in opposite direction to this vector. If the vector has zero length, the default orientation remains in place. | Vector |
Z-Orientation | Z-Ori | New orientation of the local Z-axis of beam. If the vector has zero length, the default orientation remains in place. | Vector |
Alpha [deg] | Alpha | Rotation angle about local X-axis [deg] in addition to orientation given by orientation vector. | Number |
lg[cm] | lg | Distance of transverse load [cm] from the center of shear of the cross section. Is positive if the load points towards the shear center and acts destabilizing for lateral torsional buckling. | Number |