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3.Cross Section

Line to Beam

Geometry is assumed to be given in [m]. Creates beams with default properties from given lines. Lines that meet at a common point are thus connected with each other. Karamba3D assumes input to be in [m].


LineLineLine which will be connected to others if they meet at common points. Node indexes may change if lines are added.Curve
ColorColorColor of the beam. The component applies the longest list principle with respect to the input lines.Colour
IdentifierIdIdentifier of the beam. Need not be unique in a model. The component applies the longest list principle with respect to the input lines.Text
Cross sectionCroSecCross section of the beam. The component applies the longest list principle with respect to the input lines.CrossSection
PointsPtsList of points which will be inserted at the beginning of the node-list at the output-plug. This makes it easy to reference them by index in the model later on. May contain duplicate points. In case of duplicate points elements are attached to them alternating: first element to first duplicate point, second element to second duplicate point, third element to first duplicate point in case there are only two points in one position.Point
NewNewIf false, a line only results in an element if it connects to points given in the 'Points' input-plug.Boolean
RemoveRemoveRemove duplicate lines - otherwise there could be two elements on the same spot which is normally not preferred.Boolean
Limit distance [m]LDistLimit distance [m] for coincident points.Number
Z-OrientationZ-OriNew orientation of the local Z-axis of beam. If the vector has zero length, the default orientation remains in place.Vector
BendingBendingIf 'True' the beam has bending stiffness. Otherwise it is a truss.Boolean
Set Buckling LengthSetBkLIf 'True' the buckling length in local Y- and Z- as well as for lateral torsional buckling is set as the distance between the endpoints of the input curve. If this length is smaller than the automatic estimate based on the connectivity of the element's endpoints it will be replaced by it.Boolean
To Polyline Max AngleToPAngFor converting splines into polylines: Maximum angle (0 to pi) between tangents at adjacent vertices.Number
To Polyline ToleranceToPTolFor converting splines into polylines: If tolerance = 0, the parameter is ignored. This parameter controls the maximum permitted value of the distance in the base unit for geometry input from the curve to the polyline.Number
To Polyline Max Edge-lengthToPMaxLFor converting splines into polylines: If maxEdgeLength = 0, the parameter is ignored. This parameter controls the maximum permitted edge length in the base unit for geometry input.Number


ElementElemBeams with default propertiesElement
PointsPtsEndpoints of the beamsPoint
InfoInfoInformation regarding the conversion of lines to beamsText

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