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3.Cross Section

Beam Resultant Forces

Retrieves maximum resultant section forces for all beam elements of the model.


Analyzed modelModelModel with calculated displacementsModel
Beam identifiersBeamIdsIdentifiers of beams for which to retrieve results. By default all beams are included.Text
Load caseLCaseName of load-case for which to retrieve results. By default results for all load cases are retrieved.Generic Data
Maximum probing distance [m]maxLMaximum distance [m] between probing points for calculating the maximum resultants.Number
Number of probing points per elementNResNumber of probing points per beam element for calculating the maximum resultants. Can be overruled when providing a value for maxL.Integer


Analyzed modelModelModel with calculated displacementsModel
Normal Force [kN]NLargest axial forces N [kN] of all elements of all load-cases. N: Compressive forces < 0; tensile forces > 0. N is calculated at NPoi points along the element. For N the one which is the larger by absolute value is returned. Path structure: Load-case/Beam.Number
Resultant bending moment [kNm]MLargest resultant moment M [kNm] of all elements of all load-cases. M: the largest resultant value of the in-cross-section moments My and Mz M is calculated at NPoi points along the element. Path structure: Load-case/Beam.Number
Resultant shear force [kN]VLargest resultant shear force V [kN] of all elements of all load-cases. V: the resultant value of the in-cross-section shear forces Vy and Vz V is calculated at NPoi points along the element. Path structure: Load-case/Beam.Number

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