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3.Cross Section

Model View (Karamba3D_PUI)

Lets you inspect the current state of the model.
Plug it into the data pipeline in front of 'Beam View' or 'Shell View' to control the overall model display.


ModelModelModel to be viewedModel
Displacement DirectionDispDirInput a vector for specifying the direction of the displacement component to be displayed. Alternatively supply a plane to project the displacements on it. By default the resultant displacements are shown.Generic Data
Result-FactorsR-FactorsList of factors for scaling results of one or several result-cases. In case this is a list each factor is applied to the corresponding load-case. Select ---all--- in drop down list for load-cases to superimpose them.Number
Result-CaseResCaseThis number is added to the visible result-case index selected at the result-case drop-down-list of the ModelView-component. Default value '-1' displays '--all--'.Integer
ColorsColorsThis list of colors is used for rendering colored meshes. The first color is used for values below the currently visible range. The last color is used for values above the currently visible range. All other colors are evenly distributed in the visible range. The minimum number of colors to be supplied is four.Colour
Element Identifiers/BrepsIds|BrepsList of identifiers of elements which shall be displayed and/or Breps which define visibility via the element nodes inside them. By default all elements are displayed. In case identifiers and Breps are given only those elements are visible which fulfill both criteria.Generic Data
DeformationDeformationActivates/deactivates the display of deformed state.Boolean
Deformation ScaleDeformation ScaleScales the deformation. '1' corresponds to the real displacements.Number
ReactionReactionActivates/deactivates the display of reaction forces and moments at supports. Green arrows stand for forces in the direction of the arrow. Purple arrows for moments about the arrow axis.Boolean
Reaction ScaleReaction ScaleScales the symbols for reaction forces/moments at supports. Green arrows stand for forces in the direction of the arrow. Purple arrows for moments about the arrow axis.Number
LoadsLoadsActivates/deactivates the display of loads.Boolean
Loads ScaleLoads ScaleScales load symbols.Number
SupportsSupportsActivates/deactivates the display of support conditions.Boolean
Supports ScaleSupports ScaleScales support condition symbols.Number
Local AxesLocal AxesActivates/deactivates the display of local element coordinate systems. Red/Green/Blue corresponds to local X-, Y-, and Z-axis.Boolean
Local Axes ScaleLocal Axes ScaleScales the local element coordinate system symbols. Red/Green/Blue corresponds to local X-, Y-, and Z-axis.Number
JointsJointsActivates/deactivates the display of joint symbols. Pink circle stand for released rotations, light yellow arrows for released translations.Boolean
Joints ScaleJoints ScaleScales the joint symbols. Pink circle stand for released rotations, light yellow arrows for released translations.Number
Length/SegmentLength/SegmentScales the length [m] of segments of deformed beams. Reduce this value to make the deformed shape of beams appear smoother. '0' means no segmentation.Number
Upper Result ThresholdUpper Result ThresholdScales the numerical range of displayed results.Number
Lower Result ThresholdLower Result ThresholdScales the numerical range of displayed results.Number
Result Threshold asResult Threshold asSets interpretation of results thresholds. '0' - % of Range; '1' - absolute valueInteger
Node tagsNode tagsEnables/disables the display of node numbers. Nodes are numbered consecutively starting from '0'.Boolean
Element tagsElement tagsEnables/disables the display of element numbers. Elements are numbered consecutively starting from '0'. Meshes count as one element.Boolean
Element IDsElement IDsEnables/disables the display of element IDs. Elements can be given non-unique names on creation. These can be used for reference single elements and element sets. Regular expressions as references (they start with '&' and correspond to Perl syntax) can be used to construct sets.Boolean
CroSec NamesCroSec NamesEnables/disables the display of cross section names.Boolean
Material NamesMaterial NamesEnables/disables the display of material names.Boolean
EccentricitiesEccentricitiesEnables/disables the display of eccentricity symbols.Boolean
Load ValuesLoad ValuesEnables/disables the numerical display of load magnitudes [kN] and point masses [kg].Boolean
ElementsElementsEnables/disables the output/display of deformed element axes at the 'def.Curves' output-plug.Boolean
NIINIIEnables/disables the numerical display of NII [kN] which is the normal forces used to calculate ThII effects.Boolean
Cross Section ColorCross Section ColorSet here the display of cross section colors. '0' - None; '1' - Elements; '2' - Cross Sections; '3' - MaterialsInteger


Deformed meshdefMeshMesh of deformed structureMesh
Deformed axesdefAxesAxes of deformed structure (if enabled - see 'Elements' check-box)Curve
Deformed modeldefModeldeformed Model with nodal displacements as displayedModel

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