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01 - Core
02 - Command
03 - Preset
04 - Type
05 - Customize
UDP tool


ADDON. Version Released on 30-Dec-2023. Provides 240 components. Created by FabUnion. Features 0 video tutorials.
FURobot is a robot programming platform developed by Fab-Union for the construction industry.The purpose of FURobot is to program on robot more easily,and convert the design into real object with little effort by using some technique packages.


Astar (Nickname)
A star
SE3To Twist (STT)
Convert SE3 to twist
Twist To SE3 (T2S)
Convert twist to SE3
Download Set Tool (Nickname)
Download and set the tool
Down Load Tool (Nickname)
Compose Twist2 (Twist)
Compose Twist
Motion Planning Robot3 (Nickname)
Motion Planning Robot4 (Nickname)
Motion Planning Robot5 (Nickname)
Data Smooth (Nickname)
Get Affine transform by DLT3D
File Remove External Axis (ReMoveEA)
Just remove E1~E4 ,just for KUKA robot
Fourier Series (FS)
FourierSeries with threshold
Get Angle Axis From Matrix (M2R)
Get AxisAngle from transform maxtrix
Get Axis Angle From Rot Vec (Nickname)
Get Info (Info)
Get info
Get Lie Algebra From Matrix (Nickname)
Get Matrix From Axis Angle (R2M)
Get transform matrix from axis angle
Get Matrix From Rot Vec (R2M)
Get transform matrix from rotation vector
Get Matrix Fromse3 (GMse3)
Get Matrix From se3
Get Matrix From XYZABC (M2XYZABC)
Get matrix from xyzabc
Get Transform From XYZQuat
Get transform from xyzQuat
Get Rot Vec From Axis Angle (Nickname)
Get Rot Vec From Matrix (M2R)
Get rotation vector from transform maxtrix
Get File Path (GSFP)
Get the path file.
Get XYZABCFrom Matrix (ABC2M)
Get XYZABC from a transform matrix
Get XYZQuat From Matrix (Nickname)
Ransac Line (RansacLine)
Using RANSAC to fit line.
Fit Plane (FitPlane)
Using RANSAC to fit plane.
Render Plane Geo (GPG)
Render the plane geometroy
Rotate For ABB (RotRABB)
Rotate the target plane 180 degrees about Y axis for ABB when using NonPro mode
Rotate For KUKA (RotKUKA)
Rotate the target plane 90 degrees about Y axis for KUKA when using NonPro mode
Rotate For UR (RotUR)
Rotate the target plane 180 degrees about X axis,then rotate it's z axis 180 degrees for UR when using NonPro mode
TCP client for sending and receiving string
TCPListener (TCPL)
TCP server as a Listener
Load Tool From File (Nickname)
Up Load Tool (UpLoadTool)
UpLoad Tool to server
Obstacle Solver (OS)
Obstacle Solver
Construct Twist (Twist)
Construct twist without unit convertion
Deconstruct Twist (DeTwist)
Construct twist without unit convertion


IRB120 (R)
IRB120 robot
IRB1600r1200 (R)
IRB1600r1200 robot
IRB4600r205 (R)
IRB4600r205 robot
IRB4600r255 (R)
IRB4600r255 robot
IRB6700 150r320
IRB6700 150r320
IRB7600 325/3.10
IRB7600 325/3.10
IRB2600 20 165 (IRB2600_20_165)
KR120 R2500 (R)
KR16 R1610
KR16 R1610
KR16 R2010 (R)
KR16 R2010 Robot
KR20 R1810 (R)
KR90r2900 robot
KR210-2 R2700
KR90-270 R2700 (R)
KR90-270 R2700 Robot
T KR280R3080 (R)
KR280 R3080
KR30 60HA (R)
KR340 R3330
KR340 R3330
Agilus KR3 R540
Agilus KR3 R540
KR500 R2830 (R)
KR500 R2830 Robot
Agilus KR6 KR10 R700
Agilus KR6 KR10 R700
Iontec KR30-70 R2100
Iontec KR30 R2100|KR50 R2100|KR70 R2100
KR90 R2900 rmit (R)
KR90r2900 robot_rmit
KR90 R3100
KR90 R3100
KR90-KR150 R3700
KR90-KR150 R3700
KR1000 Titan Robot (R)
KR1000 Titan Robot
KR100 HA-2
KR100 HA-2
Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100 (R)
Agilus KR6-KR10 R1100
Cybertech Nano KR10 R1420
Cybertech Nano KR10 R1420
KR10 R900-2 (R)
KR10 R900
KR120 R1800 (R)
KR120 R1800
Agilus KR6-KR10 R900 (R)
Agilus KR6-KR10 R900
KR90 R2900 (R)
KR90r2900 robot
Luna Arm (R)
Luna Arm
Luna Arm Extend (R)
Luna arm extend.
UR10 (R)
UR10 robot
UR16e (R)
UR16e robot
UR3 (R)
UR3 robot
UR5 (R)
UR5 robot


ABBTool Convert (ABBToolConvert)
ABBTool Convert
Plastic Print Tool (T)
FabUnion Plastic Print tool
Plastic Print Tool For XYZAxis (T)
FabUnion PlasticPrint Tool For XYZAxis
Mecanum Wheel Demo v2 (MWD)
Get the wheel velocity by inputing 8-wheel-car's velocity
Mecanum Wheel Demo v3 (MWD)
Get the wheel velocity by inputing 8-wheel-car's target pose
Mecanum Wheel Demo (MWD)
Get the wheel velocity by inputing 8-wheel-car's velocity
Forward Kinematics (FK)
Get the end pose by forward kinematics
Inverse Kinematics (IK)
Get Inverse Kinematics
Compose Custom EAPart (CEAP)
Compose Custom External Axis Part
FabUnion wood external axis
General Axis Optimization Custom Robot V13In Meter (GAO)
General Axis Optimization with coefficient
Num IK6Dv8 (NIK)
Numeric IK solver for 6D robot
Num IK7D Joint Value v7 (NIK)
Numeric IK solver for 6D robot
Custom6D (C6D)
Customize a 6D Robot
Custom7D (C7D)
Custom 7D robot
Compose Custom Root (CCR)
Compose custom root for robot.
External Axis compose (EAC)
External axis of robot
Compose Work Base (B)
Construct4by4Matrix (Nickname)
Get Jacobian Matrix From Angle In Degree (GetJ)
Get Jacobian Matrix From Angle In Degree
Custom Robot Part (Nickname)
Custom ABB2 (Nickname)
Custom KUKA2 (Nickname)
Deconstruct External Axis (EAx)
External axis of robot
Set A4Zero For KUKA (Nickname)
Light Plastic Toolhead (T)
FabUnion LightPlastic tool
FUMetal Weld Tool (T)
FabUnion metal weld tool
Turn Table
Tank Robot Root (Nickname)
TJLab Single Axis (A)
Tongji University fabrication lab single axis.
Turn Table2Dof
URTool Convert (URToolConvert)
URTool Convert
Custom Tool (CustomTool)
Custom tool
Compose External Axis V2 (Nickname)
EAGroup (EAG)
External axis part group
Construct Robot Mesh Group (CRC)
Customize robot component for user-defined robot
Robot Dynamics (RobotDynamics)
Robot dynamics solver
Robot Arm Dynamics Simulation (DS)
Robot arm dynamics simulation
Inverse Dynamics From Commands
Get torque or force by inverse dynamics from commands

03 - Preset

100A-270 (R)
STEP: 100A-270
IRB1600 R1200 (R)
ABB: IRB1600 R1200
IRB2600 R165 (R)
ABB: IRB2600 R165
IRB4600 R205 (R)
ABB: IRB4600 R205
IRB4600 R255 (R)
ABB: IRB4600 R255
IRB6650s125 R350 (R)
ABB: IRB6650s125 R350
IRB6650s200 R300 (R)
ABB: IRB6650s200 R300
IRB6700-150/3.20 (R)
ABB: IRB6700-150/3.20
IRB7600-325/3.10 (R)
ABB: IRB7600-325/3.10
LR 10i A (R)
Fanuc: LR_10iA
KR100HA2 (R)
KR10R1100 (R)
KUKA: KR10R1100
KR10R1420 (R)
KUKA: KR10R1420
KR270 R2700 (R)
KUKA: KR270 R2700
KR280 R3080 (R)
KUKA: KR280 R3080
KR3 R540 (R)
KUKA: KR3 R540
Agilus KR6 KR10 R900 (R)
KUKA: Agilus KR6 KR10 R900
KR70 R2100 (R)
KUKA: KR70 R2100
KR90 R3700 (R)
KUKA: KR90 R3700
TX2 40 (R)
Staubli: TX2_40


ABBCom File Up Load (Nickname)
ABB File UpLoad.
Get ABBPose And Axis Angles
Get ABBControllers (GC)
Get the ABB controller
Get Signal ABB (GSABB)
Get the signal from IO of ABB
Set Signal ABB (SetSignalABB)
ABBEGMJoint (Nickname)
Http Post (HP)
Convert cmd to JSON compressed and send it to server.
RSIJoint (RSI)
HTTPDelete (Nickname)
Send delete by http
HTTPGet (Nickname)
Http Delete (Nickname)
Send delete by http
Get IP address list (GetIPList)
Get IP address list
Get Socket (GS)
Get socket for TCP communication
Get UDP (Nickname)
Receive Data By Socket (RS)
Receive data by soceket
Send Data By Socket (SS)
Send data by socket
UDPReceiver Auto Update (Nickname)
UDP Receiver Auto Update.
UDPSender (Nickname)


Change Vel By Corner (Nickname)
Robot Core (Core)
Generate offline program file and simulation
Deconstruct Joint Value Group (DJVG)
Deconstruct Joint Value Group
Compose Velocity (CmpVel)
Compose velocity for move command
Construct Custom Command (CCMD)
Construct Custom Command
Line Cmd (LC)
Line command
Construct Line Command (LCMD)
Construct Line Command
Construct PTP Command (PTPCMD)
Construct PTP Command
Robot Check (RobotCheck)
Check the robot
Set Dig Out Cmd (SDO)
Stop Cmd (SC)
Stop command
Construct Wait Command (WCMD)
Construct Wait Command
Example (LE)
Load Example
Construct Torque or Force (CTF)
Construct Torque or Force
Construct Joint Command (CJC)
Construct Joint Command
Collision Test (Nickname)

05 - Customize

Single line external axis (SL)
Single line external axis device
Construct Euler Angle (CEA)
Construct Euler Angle
Rotation Convertor (RotationConvertor)
Rotation Convertor
Construct Moving Joint (CMJ)
Construct Moving Joint
Construc Rotation Joint (Nickname)
Construct Robot Link Group (CLG)
Customize robot link group for user-defined robot
Construct mass property (CMP)
Construct mass property
Make serial robot (MSR)
Make serial robots into one serial robot
Construct Offset (Nickname)
Custom Robot v6 (Nickname)
Robot packge (RP)
Make robot with attachments
Construct Robot Link (CRL)
Construct Robot Link
Light Plastic Print Tool
Custom tool (CT)
Custom tool


Band Saw Cutting
Programmed by HUA CHAI
Chain Saw Slotting
Programmed by HUA CHAI
Circular Saw Cutting (CircularSawCutting)
Circular Saw CuttingProgrammed by HUA CHAI
DrillingProgrammed by HUA CHAI
Milling Brep
Programmed by HUA CHAI
Milling Hole
Programmed by HUA CHAI
Notch Milling (wood)
Notch millingProgrammed by HUA CHAI
Surface Equidistant Sub
Programmed by HUA CHAI
Surface Structure Line Sub
Programmed by HUA CHAI


Add Base (AB)
Add the base of model
Arrange Contour (CC)
Arrange the contours
Check Angle (CA)
check the angle of model
Contour (C)
Create contours
Cv Only Horizontal Divide Keep Corner (COHDKC)
divide curve only in horizontal level segment and keep corner
First Pt (FP)
First point in a curve
Sort Curve (SC)
Sort Curve in the Same Level
Total Cut Cv (TCC)
Get the cut curve in whole model


BIConstruct Path (BICP)
Provide some kinds of paths for fiber winding.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU
Branching Path (BP)
Construct separate paths for revelant winding points regarding each anchor points.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU
Construct Winding Path (CWP)
Analyse points' position and construct winding paths.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU
Exterior Path Optimization (EPO)
Provide a kind of strategy to make winding path safe.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU
Group Points (GP)
Take some points into one group if they are in the same times of the robot's winding movement.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU
Interior Path Optimization (IPO)
Provide a kind of strategy to make winding path safe.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU
Output Plane (OPlanes)
Points to Planes for winding.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU
Output Points (OPoints)
Resulting points grouped by their revelant bidirectional position.Programmed by ZONGSHENG YU


Customize Rib With Target Curve (Nickname)
Optimize A4Axis (OptimizeA4Axis)
Optimize the A4 axis value to zero or near zero when the toolhead is not orthogonal
Change Seam By Geo (CSBG)
change the seam by geometry
Clean And Close Curve (CCC)
clean the small curve and make the curves closed
Tech Print Clean And Close Curve Multiple (TechPrintCleanAndCloseCurveMultiple)
clean the small curve and make the curves closed multiple edtion
Create Contour (CC)
Create the contour of geometry
Divide By Seg With Length (DBSL)
divide curve by segment with given length


FUxyz No E3Coupling81 (FUxyzNoE3Coupling81)
Default XYZAxis (E)
Default XYZAxis
External Axis FUM (EAFUM)
External Axis processing for FU master robot
External Axis TJLab (EATJL)
External Axis processing for TongJi Laboratory robot
FabUnion XYZAxis
FUxyz No E3Coupling (FUxyzNoE3Coupling)

02 - Command

Line command (LCMD)
Construct Line command with fixed values
Construct PTJ command (PTJCMD)
Construct PTJ command.
Custom text Command (CTXTCMD)
Custom text command
Joint Command (JCMD)
Joint command
Wait command (WAITCMD)
Construct Wait command

04 - Type

Arm ABB Format
Arm KUKA Format
Arm KUKA Format
Generate offline program for Arm KUKA robot.
Arm Step Format
Arm Step robot.
Arm UR Format
Arm UR Format

UDP tool

UDPRemote Receiver (recv)
Receive topic message from remote server.
Default address is : 5235.
Msg received will automatically trigger update.
UDPRemote Sender (send)
Send topic message to remote server.
Default address is : 5235.

01 - Core

Find Bug
Test the whole task to find bug.
Robot Simulator


Export Mesh2File (Nickname)


De Licence (Nickname)

Site design © Robin Rodricks.   FURobot and associated data © 2024 FabUnion.  
Rhinoceros and Grasshopper are registered trademarks of Robert McNeel & Associates.  Hosted by GitHub

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